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Today is the day Collin, Dev, and I hang. I'm so excited, I wonder what we're gonna do. Maybe we'll go to the park. I see Dev shifting in his bed, I slowly sneak up to him. I jump onto his bed "WAKE UP THERE'S A HUGE FIRE!!" Dev fell out of bed, I smashed onto him "Haha! Got cha! Come on we have stuff to do!" Dev groaned and got up. "Do I have to go..."

"Umm yea." I grumbled. Dev got dressed and went downstairs. While he was downstairs I grabbed his phone and called Collin. Hmm that's odd he already has his number. I dialed the number. "Dev? How's it going it's been a long time."

"Oh it's Megan, you wanna hang out with Dev and I?"

"Sure sounds cool..."

"OK BYE!" I quickly hung up and squealed. I danced in circles, I ran downstairs. Dev motioned for me to run out the door, I guess he didn't want his parents to see. I walked out the door to see Collin already in the driveway. "Hey sweetie." He purred. I blushed. "Haha you're wearing the same clothes as yesterday." He chuckled.  "Haha forgot to grab some new clothes at home." I nervously answered. Dev walked out the door, "Megan lets..." Dev stopped once he saw Collin. "Oh, heh, hey Collin." Dev mumbled. I have a feeling they know eachother more than I think. I hopped into Collin's car, Dev sat in the back. "Where to?" Collin asked. "Does the mall sound okay?" I asked. "Sure." Collin sat back and drove to the mall. Once we arrived we hanged around the food court. Dev and Collin sat across from eachother, Dev would glare once in a while. "I gotta go to the bathroom..." I walked off to the bathroom leaving the two alone.

(Dev's P.O.V)

I'm going to tell Megan I can't let her leave without knowing. I glared at Collin, we could've been great friends. I've known him my whole life our parents knew eachother very well. One day he changed personalities and left me for dead that's when Megan became my new best friend. And now Collin changed even more with that "emo" look of his. "So Collin, you like Megan?..."

"Yea kinda, nothing serious." Collin said laying back in his chair. "Well I like her Collin so back the Fuck off. She's been my best friend ever since you decided to become a dick at such a young age!" I yelled. "Woah, cool it besides, we'll see who Megan really wants." Collin put his hands up. I was so infuriated. Megan sat down. "What did I miss?"

"Hey Megan, can I talk to you?" I asked, Collin glared at me. "Sure!" Megan got up and walked into hottopic with me. I put my hands on her shoulders. "Megan, I've known you forever. I think it's time I tell you that important thing I needed to tell you. I've always loved you..." I leaned in for a kiss. Out the corner of my eye I see Collin.

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