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Sally touched my forehead lightly. "Remember you're only saying goodbye, although you're visible now be careful about who sees you. I'll be back, have fun."

I roamed the streets, I didnt know what to do. I passed by my house, I looked through the window, hmm, that's odd my parents aren't home... They're probably at the hospital, after all my dead body is over there. I walked a couple more blocks down the road towards Dev's house. I finally reach the green misshapen house. His dog was excessively barking, which was normal considering his dog Bones never liked me. Bones would always growl at me and I would hiss back like a little kitty cat. I wonder how Bones could've sensed me. I opened the door but my hand slid past it, Sally said it took extra power to touch things. I slowly lumped through the door, it was gross, the door was squeezing me. I made it past the door barely getting stuck and walked up the stairs. Dev's room was to the right. I walked into his room pictures of us were scattered everywhere. He must really miss me... I started to cry I wanted to see Dev again, I wanted Collin to be mine, I want to say I love you to my parents, but I can't. I slumped onto Dev's bed, I screamed so loud, no one could hear me. I watched Dev walk in, I started to cry some more. "Oh Dev, if only you could hear me...." I sobbed.

"Hey, stop crying blue hair, you're getting mascara on my pillow dumbass." I shot up.

"Dev?! You can hear me!" I ran up to him and gave him a bear hug trying not to slide past him.

(Dev's P.O.V)

I heard screaming and ran up to my room, could it be?... No it couldn't... Megan?! She's in my room, I stood at my door trying not to freak out. "Hey, stop crying blue hair, you're getting mascara on my pillow dumbass." I croaked. Megan ran up and hugged me. She's here hugging me, she's not dead. I sunk into her hug, I wanted to kiss her so bad. What is she doing here? It doesn't matter, she's here with me and no one else but me. I love you Megan, why can't you see that?

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