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"Hey, I've written this book I would like constructive criticism on. As a fellow Wattpadian, will you help me out?"

"Yes, of course!" *gives critique on first three chapters an hour later.*

They don't reply. And if they do, they are angry. They are angry and back talk everything I had to say about their works. They then feel obliged to tell me they have more followers than me or that my writings suck anyway.

*takes deep breath*

I'm just going to do this calmly.

First, it doesn't hurt my feelings if someone has more followers than me. There are plenty of people on Wattpad that touched that goal. It doesn't hurt that people say my writings are a piece of junk. I tell myself that all the time and every time I get a vote I edit the work. Why? Because I already know I can make the work better.

Second, the amount of followers I have? I don't care. I'm happy with the ones I have. And if I get another, that's cool too. It is not my life goal to sit and get more followers than every person I see on Wattpad. If it was, I would write more. But it's not. And I'm not able to revolve my life around Wattpad. So I'm okay with that. I'm okay with what I have and what I get.

Now, back to this whole, I'm critiqueing the story thing. Don't expect me to say, "OMG! THIS WAS SO AMAZING! THIS WAS THE MEANING OF LIFE RIGHT HERE! DEER LORD WE HAVE TO TELL THE PRESS AND THE WORLD'S PRESS! PEOPLE HAVE TO READ THIS!!" because chances are I won't. And if I don't, that doesn't mean the story is a piece of junk. It means I'm going to help them along the way to make it what they want. Maybe we could even help build that glorious tower of rightous writing. And even when we do, there will always be someone (a hater) who brings a story down with a mean comment.

Word to the wise: you cannot please everyone.

For example: (warning: I'm probably going to lose a lot of followers for this but I don't care)

Friend Ashlay: "OMG! Frozen was the best Disney movie ever! So gooooooood!"

Me: "I think it was okay."

*gets many frowns*

Another Example: Tumblr Dashboard: "You HAVE to see the Fault in Our Stars!!"

Me: "Read the book. It's not that spectacular."

Another Example: Me: "OMG!! Has anyone read The Adventure of the Empty House? :D"


People are into different sorts of genres. Not everyone wants to read a romance. Not everyone wants to read about drug addictions (I mainly read stories like this by the way. I especially like them if they are diaries or journals.) Not everyone wants to read about angels.

I don't care. But you see what I mean now. There's always going to be people who A. are not interested in the genre to begin with, B. doesn't like the story either way, and C. maybe just doesn't worship it.

There are those who give something hype, and there are those who just don't care with or without the hype. There are also mean people, but I hate those people.

 But not only that, it's frustrating when I critique something and don't even get a reply back. Like, I gave them my time, and they're just going to not give me my time back? I didn't even ask for a critique back, just a thank you! I never ask for a critique back. Even if they don't like what I say or don't care they could just reply, "hey, thanks." and not follow what I said. I don't care, just let me know I didn't waste my time entirely!

Don't make me feel so unproductive as to give my time and not have some sort of graditude for it! Like, just let me know you read it!

And if they get easily offended because I'm not worshipping them, why are they asking me for a critique? Actually, why are they asking anyone for a critique. I could understand if someone randomly commented on their story, but these people COME TO ME, and ask me for MY time. I will say it again: my life doesn't revolve around Wattpad. Nor will my life revolve around someone who likes to waste people's time.

What really bugs me is when they follow me and immidiately ask me for a critique and then unfollow me when I give them one.

I... I .... What? No. I usually send them a link of Jeff the Killer in the creepiest way possible through private message.     ... they all haven't spoken to me since.

I don't know if that's against terms and conditons, but I'll be sure to check that. If my profile is gone, you'll all know why. Also if you unfollow me because you disagree with this, I don't care. It's really just a number to show people how well liked the author's works are. And even then, it's not even what the number is sometimes.

But... yeah... I'm done with this rant.

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