(The School Arc) Episode 5: Yisei Vs Asadai

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Ms.Aku: .......
Asadai: Give up kid.....*steps on his head harder*
Yisei: Not a chance! *grabs his foot*
Asadai: *looks at him*
Yisei: heh if you kick me out the ring your going to.
Asadai: *lets foot off his head* ...
Yisei: Guess you came to your sens—
Asadai: *kicks him backwards*
Yisei: ugh! *flys towards outa bounds*
Yoshinoya: Yisei!!! Stop!!! You're going out of the ring!!!
Asadai: This was never a challenge..*turns and Walks away*
Yisei: *says to self: there's no way I'm losing like this!* *slows down and slowly lands back on the platform*
Yura: whoah!!! How'd he do that??!!
Yureiya: its almost like he—
Ms.Aku: stopes time yes. How strange.
Asadai: *turns around* Seems your stronger than you let off. Tell me...how'd you avoid that ring out. *stares at him*
Yisei: I actually don't know myself but that doesn't matter. All that matter is me getting this win and you losing. Heh *cracks knuckles*
Asadai: Hmph. *appears in front of him*
Yisei: I won't fall for that twice! *dashes behind him and punches*
Asadai: *dodges*
Yisei: Got you! *kick his feet from under him*
Asadai: *slips* not bad
Yisei: You lose *tries to kick him out of bounds*
Yura: He got Asadai cornered.
Yureiya: this is it!
Yoshinoya: no...
Yura: huh? *looks at Yoshinoya*
Yoshinoya: He's way to good to be beaten like that.
Asadai: *puts hand on the ground flipping back to my feet dodging the kick*
Yisei: Tch *jumps back to create some space* You're a nimble bastard huh? *smiles*
Asadai: You should give up...
Yisei: What? *stares him down hard*
Asadai: I said you should give up. I'd rather not waste anymore of my energy.
Yisei: You sound as if I'm boring you.
Asadai: It's not that at all *sticks hands in pockets* Though if you make me continue....*shows eye* It's not going to end well.
Yisei: *blinks* *thinks to self: he's gone??!!*
Asadai: *appears in front of him and grabs his neck slamming him down cracking some of the arena*
Yisei: aguuhh!!! *spits some blood*
Yoshinoya: Comon Yisei!!! Get up!!!
Yisei: *looks at Yoshinoya* Im trying but I cant...and my HeadBand is—
Asadai: not responding? Of course not. I'm touching you after all. Though it's not 100% canceled. More like 15%
Yisei: More than I'm comfortable with! *grabs his arm trying to remove it from my neck*
Asadai: Why is it you right Yisei? What drives you?
Yisei: None of your business that's what now let me go and fight me fair.
Asadai: *lets him go*
Yisei: *says to self: he actually let me go*
Yoshinoya: Yisei!! Look out!!
Yisei: *looks at Asadai*
Asadai: *lifts leg up as it sparkles*
Yisei: *says to self: what's he about to do? I gotta move!*
Asadai: 25%...cancellation *slams foot down on his stomach*
Yisei: ARGHHHHH!!!! *grabs his foot*
Yoshinoya: Yisei!!!
Ms.Aku: This kid.....
Yura: Man I wouldn't want to fight him.
Reisu: Man, I had no clue there was another guy like me and Yisei in our class with raw fighting ability.
Yureiya: This isn't good.
Asadai: I have now imbued most of my power towards my leg. If you don't give up I will increase it.
Yisei: *says to self: It hurts so bad*
Asadai: Give up.....
Yisei: N-not a chance...
Asadai: 75% cancellation...*steps on him harder*
Yisei: ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHH!!!! *screams out in pain*
Yoshinoya: Ms.Aku why is he hurting so much??!!!
Ms.Aku: HeadBand abilites are like physical abilities in a lot of ways. They connect to our body and embed themselves with our anatomy. So even though his power is being nulled, due to that the effect it's having on Yisei's body it's harmful. It's hurting even worse becuz his headband hasn't full achieved it's connection with his body yet, and with Asadai canceling it it's confused and has no where to go.
Yura: That isn't good.
Yoshinoya: Yisei...
Ms.Aku: *Thinks to self: This isn't good. His headband hasn't completed its connection yet and it's as if Asadai is blocking it from being perfectly connected. If this keeps up.....Yisei won't be able to activate his ability.*
Yisei: *tears come into my eyes* M-man...this hurts...*grabs his leg trying to pull it off*
Asadai: Give up kid. There's no one in this school who can beat me in a fight. Not even you. It's unfortunate that I'm your opponent, and sometimes that's just how the cards fall.
Yisei: That's bullshit...
Asadai: *looks at Yisei with one eye* What.....
Asadai: You are impressive indeed but if you don't give up you'll either die or you'll lose anyways for being on the ground for more than 30 seconds...
Ms. Aku: 20 Seconds Yisei. If you can't get up in 10 seconds you lose by rule 2.
Yisei: No way! arghhhh!!!! *lifts His leg up more*
Asadai: Well I am impressed with the level of strength you have seeing as how I'm negating every power cell in your body but I can't have you getting up just yet. 90% cancellation....*steps on him harder*
Yisei: AHRGRGRHRHRHRHRHRHRH!!!!!!!! *vision blurs* *says to self: This is bad, really really bad. I feel like I'm going to pass out and my vision is so blurry. How is he this in-tune with his ability. We just got our HeadBands 2 days ago.*
Ms.Aku: 5 more seconds Yisei
Yura: Coming man i know u can do it bro.
Reisu: Don't tell me this is all you got shrimp. Get the hell up or I'll never forgive you again! Do you fucking here me??!!! Yisei!!?? Get your ass up!!!!!
Yureiya: You can do it Yisei!
Yoshinoya: Yisei!!! Get up!!!!!
Asadai: Must be nice having friends to cheer you own when you're fading in and out of consciousness huh?
Yisei: *Says to self: Damn...is that all I can do? Is this all the power my mom left me? What a waste...*slowly start to close eyes*
(Vision)Mom: Yisei! Yisei! Yisei! If you don't get up right now! I swear to god! >:3
Yisei: Mom!
Asadai: ?
Yisei: *looks at Asadai* There's no way I'm losing. NO WAY! *grabs his foot as my headband glows bright and lifts it off my chest as I dash backwards feeling no more pain*
Asadai: Well well Well... what a surprise you've finally did it.
Ms.Aku: his headband has fused with his body completely. Yisei can now withstand even most if not almost all Asadai's negation abilities.
Yura: Invincibility. Whoa.
Yoshinoya: *smiles so brightly* Go Yisei!!!!
Reisu: Beat that no eyed freak out the water you shrimp!
Yureiya: I'm rooting for you Yisei!
Yura: You can do it bro!!!
All the classmates: GOOOOO YISEI!!!!!!!!!!
Yisei: *smiles and takes a step gusting air everywhere* This new power is great it's time for you to—
Yoshinoya: W-what??!!!
Yura: What the??!!
Yureiya: Huh!???
Yisei: W-what in t-the...*faints and falls on the floor*
Yoshinoya: Yisei what are you— *faints and falls on the floor*
Yureiya: Yoshinoya are u oka— *faints and falls*
All the rest of the students: *faints and falls*
Asadai: You figuring out your full HeadBand potential was a problem, and though I can't use it always I had to use my trump card. Maybe next time kid...*walks off the platform*
Ms.Aku: I see...*breaths heavily* *Says to self: That gust of wind wasn't Yisei, it was Asadai they both stepped at the same time. But that wasn't wind...it was an aura that shut down everyone's abilities at once. Such power. Even I can't activate my ability right now. *looks at Asadai* but even that didn't come without risk*
Asadai: *wipes blood side of mouth holding stomach*
Ms. Aku: (Says to self: seems like that's not a move he can do at any given time and it comes with a huge drawback on his body*
Ms. Aku: Asadai, where did you learn to control your HeadBand? and in only 2 days time?
Asadai: *looks at Ms.Aku* It doesn't matter....*heads back to class*
Ms.Aku: .......

To Be Continued....

Author~San: Asadai!!! :D

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