(The School Arc) Episode 4: Yoshinoya Vs Reisu

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Ms. Aku: Remember the rules and lets have a clean good fight. On my mark, get ready....set.....begin!
Yoshinoya: *Stares at Reisu*
Reisu: So I'm guessing you're going to say you give up right? Because if you don't...*has evil look* I'm going to crush everything about you.
Yoshinoya: You don't scare me in the slightest. You think your tough and a brute but really your just a lame bully.
Reisu: Tsk! Why you trashy! Whore! *Creates knife and throws it*
Yoshinoya: *Ducks* (Thinks to self: I barely saw that coming)
Reisu: Wow, you actually dodged it. Now to kick it up! *creates small rocks and starts throwing them* Take this!!
Yoshinoya: Your brain is as big as a rock! *runs opposite direction avoiding the rocks*
Reisu: *Looks sharply at her running path* There...
Yoshinoya: *blinks* He's gone? *blinks again*
Reisu: *Appears infront of you* Got you *smiles evilly and grabs her arm creating a chain around it while tiring her body to the floor*
Yoshinoya: Ugh! *hits floor hard*
Reisu: Now since im on top of you it doesn't count as you lying on the floor, but still...*Smacks her* I'm going to make you feel so much pain.
Yoshinoya: *Spits on him* You're just a big bully...
Reisu: ........*wipes spit off* YOU BITCH!! *punches her face* You think you cute??!!! *breaks her arm* Huh???!!!
Yoshinoya: *Screams our in serious pain*
Yureiya: Ms. Aku!!! Stop him! She's going to die if he keeps up!
Ms. Aku: ...... *watches the fight*
Yura: Just be patient Yureiya. The fight isn't over yet.
Yisei: Just relax and watch.
Yoshinoya: *Breaths heavily* That all you got?! *frees other arm from his grasp and punches his face*
Reisu: Just give it UP ALREADY!!! *Punches her and slaps her repeatedly then breaking her other arm*
Yoshinoya: *Yells out in pain once more*
Reisu: Oh look, she's crying *laughs historically* pathetic, your HeadBand isn't so legendary if all it can do is heal. Such a waste of my time..*gets up and start to walk off*
Yoshinoya: *Cries* I've never been able to be strong enough to do things like this. Me beat Reisu? Heh, I must've been kidding myself. My power is nothing but a joke. *cries more* I-I'm sorry mom...
Yoshinoya: *looks over* Y-Yisei??!! *Eyes widen* Okay.. *looks up at the ceiling*
Reisu: Tsk, not even that idiotic shrimp can help her now. She's lost. *laughs*
Yoshinoya: Hey idiot! *looks at Reisu*
Reisu: Huh......??? *turns around and looks at her* So you can stand because of your healing powers. Lemme guess you feel better now that your broken arms and face scars are healed instantly? *laughs* Doesn't change the fact that you're still weak
Yoshinoya: *Smiles and dashes at him*
Reisu: You cocky bitch! *creates Sword and slices down towards her*
Yoshinoya: *dodges is as it grazes my hair* ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *punches him as hard as I can*
Reisu: What in the-!!??? *gets punched and crashes into the outer wall of the ring*
Yoshinoya: I did it???!!!!!??!!! I DID IT!!!!
Reisu: I swear when I get up I'm gunna-
Ms. Aku: Sorry Reisu, But your out of the ring. You lose.
Reisu: What??!!! *looks at Yoshinoya* I swear I'm gunna...
Ms. Aku: Also, if you ever think about harming her again you'll face major consequences.
Reisu: Pftt. Whatever. *walks over to the other students*
Random Student: I think you did good Reisu.
Reisu: *Smiles* Thanks.
Yureiya: Gosh I cant stand that jerk. *looks at Yoshinoya* Hey you okay? I was really worried.
Yoshinoya: Yeah I was really on the edge there but I remember what Ms. Aku said, she said I had a legendary healing type HeadBand that not only let me heal my wounds instantly, but made them stronger then they were before.
Yureiya: I see, so that's why your punch was so hard it went flying. He must have damaged your arms really bad for you to zip to that level of arm strength.
Yoshinoya: *Blushes* Maybe hahahah
Ms. Aku: That was a good match Yoshinoya and I'm glad you came out the victor. Now time for the next match to begin. *digs in bowl* Yisei Yourei, You're up. *digs in bowl again* and the next person is, Asadai Yuki.
Yoshinoya: I hope you do great Yisei. *smiles*
Yisei: Yeah of course. *steps into ring*
Asadai: *Steps into ring*
Ms. Aku: Remember the rules and lets have a clean good fight. On my mark, get ready....set.....begin!
Asadai: Yisei Yourei huh? Only student in this school who's below 5ft. In height terms you're nothing but a fish in a tank full of sharks.
Yisei: (Thinks to self: what's with this guy. His hair covers his whole face and he has the same attitude towards me as Reisu, but there's something different.)
Asadai: Even though you're just some shrimp kid who can barely stand out-
Yisei: Yeah Yeah Yeah, I'm small so wha-
Asadai: I'm not fooled for a second...
Yisei: *Looks serious* What....
Asadai: It seems the majority of people here treat you like a joke, but you don't fool me for second. In fact, you're the strongest Hebai in this school and they don't even know it.
Yisei: Your point is?
Asadai: My point is you're the best fighter in this entire academy, that is. If it weren't for me of course.
Yisei: *Cracks knuckles* Well let's test that and find out heh.
Asadai: *looks at you*
Yisei: *Takes one step and appears infront of him* heh.
Asadai: *dodges his punch* In my eyes you couldn't be slower..
Yisei: Tsk *jumps up with a spin kick*
Asadai: *leans back and dodges it* Open as can be..*punches him in his stomach*
Yisei: *Jumps back to my side of the ring* T-this pain....*coughs up blood* Why?
Yoshinoya: He's hurt? Why is he hurting? HeadBand abilities are engraved in your body and active the minute you put yours own. Why is he taking damage?
Yura: That is strange.
Yureiya: Is it because his HeadBand powers don't work?
Ms. Aku: It isn't that at all, Yisei's HeadBand does work, but it's being prevented from becoming active.
Yoshinoya: Prevented? What's that mean?
Yura: I'm curious as well
Yureiya: Whats it mean Ms. Aku?
Ms. Aku: It means that the kid Yisei is fighting is canceling out Yisei's ability to become invincible. In other words, Yisei is taking all the damage given to him.
Yoshinoya: Yisei....
Yisei: *breats heavily* You have some weird power there. Is it extra strength, psychic powers? What?
Asadai: My abilities are none of the sort.
Yisei: Then how are you able to deal all this damage to me.
Asadai: Simple, my HeadBand negates all others. *smiles* The reason your taking damage from my hits is because I'm negating your headbands power. So before me *appears in front of him stepping on his head* You're nothing but a weakling...
Ms. Aku: How did I overlook this kid...

To Be Continued....

Author~San: Sorry I couldn't give you guys this chapter yesterday, I was extremely busy. I hope you enjoy this chapter :D!

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