(The School Arc) Episode 3: One Vs One

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(Flashback) Sir Gashi: So basically as much as I know u want to begin you mothers killer search your going to have to complete your school training first.
Yisei: *Thinks to self* He's right. I want to find my mothers killer as soon as possible but I can't do anything if I'm to weak. *sighs and gets outa bed* Welp, gotta get dressed and ready for the next school day. I have to get stronger no matter he cost. *puts on headband*

I arrive at school and I go to my homeroom class.

Ms. Aku: Goodmorning class and Goodmorning to you Yisei. I see you actually did acquire a HeadBand. That's great.
Reisu: Wow, that small fry actually got a HeadBand. *shakes head* such a pain in my ass.
Yisei: Yeah, it worked out the way it should have is all.
Ms. Aku: Well I'm glad you can stay with us because today you'll be able to test out your HeadBand with your fellow students. one verses one style >:D.
A student: Wait what? We're going to be fighting each other?
Ms. Aku: That's correct and you will be paired up after lunch. The pairs will be randomly selected as well. Every freshman goes through this part of the HeadBand faze. For us to gauge each students abilities by rank we must see how you can battle in action. Besides if you can't utilize your HeadBand why are you here? >:).
All the students: -_-, BOOOO!!! YOU STINK!! *throws paper at her*
Ms. Aku: Eh!!???
Yoshinoya: *Raises hand* Ms. Aku, since we are be randomly selected what happens if someone loses? Do we receive any type of penalties?
Ms. Aku: *Dodges a piece of paper* Well not in particular but you will have a higher chance to be ranked in the low category's of students in the school. The lower you are the less your peers see you as formidable and it makes for you an easy target. Do you follow?
Yoshinoya: Yeah, I Follow. *puts hand on chin and thinks* No matter who my opponent is it's going to be a problem. All I can do is heal and nothing more. How am I supposed to fight someone with an ability that's meant for support? *thinks hard*
Yisei: Stop thinking so hard. If you lose oh well better luck next time *shrugs*
Yoshinoya: >_>, easy for you to say. You don't even have to worry about getting hurt or injured mr. invincible.
Yisei: e_e. Pfft
Reisu: So Yoshinoya, *grabs her close to me* Want to come to my place after school? Today? *licks lips* heh.
Yoshinoya: *Pushes him off me* As if. Your nothing but a rude slob and a bully. I would never date someone like you.
All the students: *Laughs*
Reisu: Tch. You bitch! *grabs her hair and slams her down* You dare refuse me??!!
Yoshinoya: *Hits floor* Ugh!! Ow! That hurt u idiot!
Reisu: This next one will be worse *smiles evilly while clenching fist* Take th- *gets sent flying through wall*
Yisei: I don't know how you were raised but hitting girls isn't the way to go. Heh.
*cracks knuckles*
Reisu: Yisei....you're going to regret punching me. *gets up from the rubble of the wall* Now I'm mad... *creates diamond bat* Yisei!!!! *dashes at him hitting him full force*
Yisei: *Thinks to self* He's fast??!! *blocks hit* Tsk!, so you not some weakling after all huh? *looks at Reisu*
Reisu: Not in the slightest *smiles and forms another bat in my right hand hitting him from the side*
Yisei: I can't block it in time *takes hit and gets sent flying through opposite wall*
Reisu: Heh, wouldn't be surprised if he was dead after that attack. After all. My Headband Of Creation is something special am I right? Hahahahaha *laughs hysterically*
Yisei: *Gets up from the wall fragments* Now you've done it. *wipes mouth of tiny blood*
Ms. Aku: *Clasp hands together* HeadBand Of cages. Jail Time! *creates jail cages around Yisei and Reisu.* What do you two think you're doing??!!!
A student: That's Ms. Aku secret move. It is said that not even the worlds strongest swordsman can cut that cage. :0
Yoshinoya: *Watches*
Yisei: *Sighs* I just protected a girl who was getting beat up. Is there anything wrong with that?
Reisu: All I did was slightly pull her hair *shrugs* she's not even hurt.
Yoshinoya: Says you.... what you did wasn't right. I said no and no meant no. You took it to far Reisu and your right I'm not hurt at all thanks to my healing abilities. *thinks to self* but what I'm concerned about is Yisei. How come I saw blood from is mouth even though he's an invincible boy.
Ms. Aku: *Sighs* The principal isn't here so I can't send you there. But there will be punishment for this outrageous behavior. Yura, may you please fix the holes on each side of the wall?
Yura: Yes mam. *Sticks arm out* Fix!
Yoshinoya: Whoa... all the holes are being fixed right away. Cool.
Ms. Aku: Thanks to Yura's HeadBand Of Replacment he can fix just about anything. Now, it's about time for lunch and after that we'll be back to get ready for the battles. Since you seem so eager to fight Yisei and Reisu, you two will sit in those cages until lunch is over in here alone. Maybe by the time we get back you two can make up. Class dismissed.

Everyone leaves the classroom and it's only me and Reisu left alone together.

Reisu: I swear once I get out of here that lady is dead...
Yisei: Oh shut up, and quit saying nonsense. You're not going to kill anyone and we're in school stop talking like that.
Reisu: Hmph, still talking like that after I wouped your ass? Hahahah *laughs*
Yisei: You call me being hit through a wall by a lucky creation bat beating me up? You must be delusional. I swear if we fight after lunch I'm going to show you who's better.
Reisu: Heh, if you're my opponent I feel bad for you. I won't stop beating you down until you beg. *smiles evilly and licks lips*
Yisei: Tsk...

Thirty minutes pass by and the students come back from lunch.

Ms. Aku: I assume you boys made up and let it go? *looks at them both*
Reisu: You could call it that *laughs loudly*
Yisei: *Sighs* Can you let me out of this cage now?
Ms. Aku: *Clasp hands* Release. *cages disappear* Were heading down to the battle area. Everyone follow me please.
All the students: *Follows Ms. Aku*
Yoshinoya: Whoa, this is huge.
Yura: Yeah, it's not a bad place to do a battle. *looks around*
Yoshinoya: Hey you're that kid with the replacement powers. *smiles* my names Yoshinoya, nice to meet you.
Yura: Names Yura Katsuru, nice to meet you. Whoever my opponent is. I hope there not so strong. *laughs nervously* hahah.
Yoshinoya: Yeah well, whoever mine is I'm going to try my best to do what I can to win.
Ms Aku: I will now start explaining the rules of the matches. Rule one, no excessive abuse meaning if the player is already more than ready to give up I might deem it worthy to step in and stop it. Rule two, if you lay on the ground for more than thirty seconds you lose the match. Last and final rule. Rule three, after every match you must shake hands and say "good match" it's a sign of respect for one another's abilities to fight, and last but not least rule four, if you get knocked out of the ring you lose. Now I'll be let's start with the first match I'll be digging out of the bowl. *digs in bowl and pulls out paper* First up, Yoshinoya.
Yoshinoya: First off the bat huh? Well I'll do my best. *Walks up on the fighting stage*
Girl student: I hope she does okay.
Yisei: Who knows, one thing is for certain though. She's not going to win.
Girl Student: I don't think we've officially met before but my name is Yureiya Hatchan. Nice to meet you.
Yisei: *Looks at her* Yeah..
Yureiya: You said that she wouldn't win the match? *looks at Yoshinoya* Why's that?
Yisei: Because of her powers. Think about it, none of us had any time to train or even test out our HeadBand abilities. This is the first time we get to see everyone's ability in a battle and as for Yoshinoya, we all know her's is a legendary Headband of healing. She's has a support Headband, not an offensive one. In my eyes, she's doomed to lose.
Yureiya: I see your point. *looks at Yoshinoya* Do your best...
Ms. Aku: *Digs in bowl and takes out another piece of paper* Second contender is...
Yoshinoya: *Thinks to self* Who is it?
Yisei: *Watches* ...
Yura: Hope she does well.
Yureiya: Yoshinoya....*watches*
Ms. Aku: Reisu, Reisu is the second pick. Both of you stand on each side of the battle area circle.
Yisei: *Slaps forehead and sighs* Oh great, nows she's really doomed to lose.
Yura: This isn't good.
Yureiya: Why did it have to be him.
Ms. Aku: Remember the rules and lets have a clean good fight. On my mark, get ready....set.....begin!

To Be Continued....

Author~San: So how did you guys enjoy chapter 3 :3???!!!! Chapter 4 is going to be great with a nice fight to look forward to. I was excited to write this chapter because I've introduced new characters. Hope you guys enjoyed it and I'll see you next weekend.

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