2 - Blood

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"Hoseok, can you at least try and contribute to the cause?" The librarian shot you a glare for the fifth time that day, but you could care less, you just wanted this project out of the way as soon as possible. It was already eating up enough of your free time, so it didn't help that Hoseok had taken it upon himself to be completely useless when it came to being your project partner.

"Nope." He responded, popping the 'p' between his lips. His eyes didn't move from whatever video he was watching on YouTube, which was making him laugh periodically, causing him to flash that heart shaped smile at you. He did have one earbud out though, so that counted for something. Everything else didn't indicate much; his feet were up on the desk and his bag wasn't even open. A headache was creeping into the edges of your mind. If this was what life was like after a couple of days working with him, what would the next two terms be like?

You sighed, deciding you weren't getting anywhere today, so there was no point in you fussing over him not working. Honestly, it was like getting blood out of a stone. He never explained his outburst over being paired up with you either, but you assumed it was because of all of the weird coincidences that happened on your first day at the school, it was a little odd, even you had to admit. Even so, you made sure to file away the fact that he could definitely be over dramatic at the best of times.

"What are you doing?"

"Packing away my stuff, what does it look like I'm doing?" You continued, irked by his inquiry.

"But I thought we were doing the project?" He looked genuinely confused as you looked over to him, as if he hadn't done anything wrong. In actuality, he had done just that, nothing.

"Correction, I was doing the project. But now I've got Maths homework to be getting to seeing as you feel today is not the day to contribute to our academic studies," You clipped back, irritation showing.

A sneer appeared on his features, "Jeez, ok. No need to be so stressy."

You ignored that and proceeded to turn to the equations staring back at you from the page. No Maths question could distract you from the fact that he was staring at you again. This had become a common occurrence in your life since you had started this school, and it was starting to get on your nerves.

"Something on my face?" You didn't move to look at him this time, but you could hear his feet being removed from the table.

Hoseok huffed in frustration. Picking up his things he moved to leave the library, needing to get out of your presence as soon as possible. He needed to think through some things. First of all, he had worked hard to keep up the presence that he was a 100% straight playboy, even to his friends this appeared to be the truth.

It didn't help that over the span of four days of being in each other's lives you had already caused his heart to flutter so much he was considering going to the doctors to get a check-up. He had promised himself that he would only come out as bisexual (and only to his friends, never his parents) after he had gotten into college. There, he could experiment, and then eventually settle down with a nice girl so his parents would be happy without ever having to know about his attraction to men.

You weren't helping the cause.

Meanwhile, you were grateful he had left your little bubble sooner than expected. Something about him made it difficult to breathe when he was near. Over the past few days of being at this new school and sitting at the lunch table with your newfound group of friends, you had heard more than enough rumours about Jung Hoseok to put you off. But something about him made you want to know more about him, even with his lax attitude to his studies.

Eventually, it was time for the next period, so you packed up your things and made your way to the men's changing rooms. The class you had been dreading ever since you had gotten to that school. P.E.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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location | jung hoseok (j-hope) x trans male readerWhere stories live. Discover now