"I am not, It's just that I've been reading about this case for a while and I think something's really wrong, it just doesn't feel right to sleep on something like this when I have a feeling that I-we can do something about this" he said justifying his sudden interest in this case.

"I don't really see this conversation going anywhere" I murmured going back to typing on my computer pretending to be focusing, he's being unreasonable and it's driving me crazy.

I heard him muttering "alright" then leaving to go back to his office, I sighed feeling my headache growing by the second.

As I kept editing trying to finish as much articles as I can before going home, I looked at my watch to see that it's already noon, I felt my energy draining between finishing my work and the fight earlier with Zayn.

I started collecting my belongings then headed to my car deciding to go to my usual place instead of going home, it's too early to go home anyways.
it feels like there are three places that I've been spending my life in; home, work and the hideout which is my favorite from all of them.

I parked my car outside the building then ordered my usual coffee, sitting at my table at the corner of the cafe to avoid anyone, this is my relaxation spot but with all the things I am thinking about I can't seem to take a break from anything.

I opened my laptop then started editing the articles again to get my mind off those ridiculous thoughts, distracting myself as much as I can to pass time so I can go home and sleep then go back to work again in the morning, such a boring routine.

I saw my mobile vibrating from the corner of my eye, I looked at the ID to find that it's Zayn, of course as if I have any other person to call me up, I ignored his call by silencing my phone then taking a sip from my coffee, going back to correcting the errors, then writing my feedback about the articles.

"It's rude to ignore people's call you know" I heard a voice saying making me jump from my seat and almost dropping my drink, I looked up to be met with mesmerizing, emerald green eyes that are shining brightly even in the dim lightning of this corner.

"I am starting to think that you're really stalking me" I said ignoring his previous comment.

"Maybe it's you who's stalking me" he replied smirking and making himself comfortable on the seat right in front of me.

"Yeah, I am the one who shows up wherever the fuck you go, aren't I?" I asked feeling pissed off at him.

"Girls like you shouldn't be cussing, baby" he rasps taking out a cigarette and lighting it then putting it between his plump lips.

"Not that it's any of your business, but why do you think that?" I asked looking outside the glass not giving him much attention.

"Doesn't fit your character, you look innocent" he said taking a drag from his cigarette then blowing out the smoke.

"Does it look like I give two shits about what you think? You don't know anything about me, Harry" I snapped feeling offended, usually I don't really cuss that much unless I am really angry.

He chuckled lowly, his chest vibrating while exhaling the smoke, his face was glowing yellow and blue from the dim light above him, shadowing over his eyes making it turn to a darker shade.

"Obviously you don't baby, but you were asking why" he said grinning stupidly, never breaking the eye contact once.

"Stop calling me that" I huffed staring at his dark green eyes, analyzing his features and his sharp jawline, I would've found him attractive if it wasn't for his attitude and from the hatred that I've grown for him ever since we talked in my apartment.

We sat in silence for a few minutes not saying anything, I can feel his intense glare on me so I started fiddling with my fingers looking down on my knees debating whether I should talk about the topic that's bothering me the most because he was the one who suggested it.

"Stay away from Zayn" I blurted out suddenly surprising him and myself as well, I didn't expect to be that bold.

"And why's that? He's my friend" he crossed his arms making his biceps enlarge and the loose curls falling on his forehead which he didn't bother putting back into place.

"You know why Harry, you're dragging him into something so utterly ridiculous and useless" I felt him stiffening a bit making his glare harden and his eyes darken if that's even possible.

"How is getting someone innocent out of this mess is useless princess" he asked the smug look that was once on his face disappearing replaced by the frown between his eyebrows.

"I am not talking about this again, you don't know shit about that guy in the first place" I said trying to knock some sense into him.

"Maybe I do, Maybe you're the one who keeps talking shit when you know nothing" he said angrily, his tone raising slightly.

I stared wide eyed at the information that he just blurted out, I didn't want to seem fazed so I just let out a loud exhale, resting my back on the seat "why don't you enlighten me then?"

"I'd enlightened you darling if you were in, but you're not so I don't really see any reason why I should tell you anything" he said cocking his head to the side, a small smirk making its was on the side of his lips.

"You're making this sound like we're a mafia gang that are about to get into illegal stuff" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well, technically we are, breaking into an asylum is not really legal princess, or is it?" He said forming his lips into a thin line.

"Breaking into what!!" I said almost yelling at his confession, I don't know if that's what we were talking about yesterday cause clearly I can't remember a thing but if the previous conversation didn't spark my anger then definitely this one did.

"I've already said too much, put what I said in consideration" he said writing something on a piece of paper then standing up and before I could even respond, he was out of my sight.

I let out an exhale I didn't know I was holding sinking back into my seat thinking what just happened right now?


Edited 5 Feb 2020

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