21. "I am the Red Death, passing by!" Part Two

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"You!" I spluttered. Vlad grinned, his teeth as crooked as his soul.

"Me, sister."

"Am I missing something?" Jeremy said, taking my arm and wrapping his own around my waist, clutching me to his side. Vlad turned his devilish attention to him, canting his head as he'd always done when he was plotting.

"Are you my sister's fiancé, Monsieur?"

"Fiancé?" Jeremy choked, turning a vibrant crimson. "Well... I... I don't know? Not really...? I mean, Nikki and I... It's-"

"Leave him out of it!" I snapped at Vlad, who took delight in my anger. "He's not my fiancé, no more than you are my brother!"

"Ah, but my dear little Anya-"

"Anya?" Jeremy frowned, drawing away to stare at me. "Nikki, what is he talking about?"

"I'll explain later," I hissed back. "Go and... fetch me some wine, Jeremy! Take your time about it too."

"Perfect!" Vlad said. "We can't waste a good New Year's!" He gestured to the clock as it ticked on for twenty to midnight.

Jeremy froze, glancing at me for reassurance. I shooed him away, my heart pounding in my throat. If only Erik were here! Saying that, if Erik did happen to pass this way, and if he did happen to see Vlad, everyone's New Year's celebrations would be ruined by a vicious murder. No, perhaps it was best if Erik wasn't here....

"What are you doing here?" I growled, folding my arms tight. Vlad smiled again, a look horrible enough to shatter glass.

"How old are you, Anya?"

"Did Mother teach you any manners? Or did you just follow Papa to the tavern every Saturday and learn them there?"

"You must be about thirty by now," he mused, reaching out and ruffling my hair. I caught his wrist. I could break it easily, shatter it into fragments. But it was too good a punishment for him, and I'd never be satisfied with it. I let him go, my blood boiling in my veins. "After all, I was but four years old when you were born."

"I hope you grew up and not just old! But given everything you ever did, I find it unlikely." One wrong move and I'd snap entirely. He knew that. He wanted that. "For your information, Vladimir, I am twenty-nine."

He paused, his eyes raking up and down my body, and nodded slowly. "And is it all true? You stabbed that minister in Berlin?"

I shushed him, scowling. "Say one word to Jeremy, and I'll see that you're hung by this time tomorrow. No one will miss you!"

"Ah, but they would!" he replied, tapping my nose and grinning. "To answer your first question, I'm here at our dear papa's orders to bring you home."

I opened my mouth to call him a filthy name.


Jeremy offered me a smooth red wine and I took it from him. Vladimir raised his own glass to me, and when I simply glared, he turned instead to Jeremy.

"To the New Year!" he said, clinking their glasses. "And-" He glanced at me. "-to the anonymity of Paris."

That was it.

I threw my wine all down his suit, sparing only a glance at his look of momentary horror before I grabbed Jeremy's hand and pulled him away, out of sight in the crowd. He opened his mouth to protest, but I shook my head.

"We must find Erik."

Jeremy hesitated for a moment, but I gripped his arms and looked right into his eyes.

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