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5 years later.

I got to the school where my son was at the moment. I got a call from the principals office due Draxson Fighting.

"Luna how you doing." Says the lady from the front office.

"Oh yes right this way." She says leading me to the principal's office where Draxson sat with a bloody lip. I quickly went to inspect his face  a little more. 

This is his first week at school and I get this.

"Are you okay?" I asked him kissing his cheek. Draxson looked so mad and upset. My son a very serious quiet person, he rarely lets someone get under his skin.

He nodded at me. I turned  to look at the principal.

"What is the meaning of this?" I questioned.

"He seemed to get into a very violent fight with is brother Aro." Says the principal.

'I told you he's not my brother." Says my son.

The principal shook is head.

"We cannot be having these type of altercations at our school, Like the one that happened today. Your son Luna left Aro very injured and in a hospital."

I admit that shocked me. He's only five how is he putting people in the hospital. I want to cringe when he get older what damage he'd do. I looked at Draxson who was staring at the wall in front of him. He looked so mad and upset.

I nodded at the principal.

"I understand and i'll take to my son at home about this." I say. With that Draxson got up from his seat. He opened the door for me to get out of the room and school. He walked with hands in his pocket looking at the ground.

I stopped walking and got to his height.

"Tell me what's the problem." I ask him. "Why did you fight Aro?"

"He was talking about how dad went to spend dinner with him and his mom and he didn't come with us." He says looking away. "The other kids we laughing at me taunting me about how dad choose Aro's mom over you. I hate it mom. I don't like dad for hurting you and i hate Aro. He likes to rub things in my face. I wish he was never born."

Where is all this coming from? I don't want my son to learn to hate. 

"Listen to me honey. What your dad and i have going on is grown up business that you don't need to be involved in. Your father loves you so much that's all that should matter. As for Aro don't hate him, at the end of the day Aro didn't ask to be here." I say hugging. "All that should matter is that mommy and daddy love you."

I took Draxson to his favorite restaurant place which was all pasta. We had a good conversation and then went home. He played a few games while i made us a cake. That's when there was a knock on the door. It was Zor.

"Draxson your dad's here." I yell out.

Zor and i in these five year rarely spoke and if we did it was all about Draxson or the pack business. It was all due to me. I avoided any other conversations that did not involve our son. He still sleeps in this cottage has dinner with Draxson and I and sometimes he doesn't have dinner with us. 

Zor always trains Draxson to be an Alpha. The teaches him how to fight without any mercy, and be a great leader. I guess you could say Zor is rough with Draxson. My son doesn't seem fazed by it no one bit.  He takes any hit or cold remark that his father throw at him.

Draxson looks ready to train. When comes out of his room. He doesn't talk much to his father just listens.

"Who did that you." Says Zor looking at Draxson's now healing lip.

"Your other son." Says Draxson with a serious and angery tone to his body and voice. 

Zor looks serious.

"Why did you let him do that to you.  Are you weak?" He tell Draxson.

I gasped how rude.


"Stronger than your other son." Says Draxson to his father.

Zor looked at Draxson straight in the eyes.

"Get to training." He tells him. With that Draxson walks away.

Here I was left with Zor. 

"You look nice today Mags." He says.

"Why did you tell Draxson he weak when he's growing stronger as the days go by."

"I am giving him tough love. I can't be babying him like you." He says.

"He's only five." I say.

"Yeah a five year old who was a able to fight off and kill other predators." He says.

"I don't want you bringing my son down." I say with that I walk away. And I hear the door close to the cottage.

I decided to make dinner for Draxson and I when he gets back from training.

When he comes back.  He kisses me on the cheek and I severe us the food. I looked out the window that is when I see Aro outside walking looking sad.

I got up and opened the door.

"Are you looking for something." I asked him nicely.

Aro shook his head.

"Why aren't you with you mother?" I asked him.

"She kicked me out." He says.

My heart went out for him.

"Do you want to have some dinner?" I asked. In which he eagerly nodded. When he went inside. Draxson glared at him.

"Be nice Draxson." I say firmly.

I served Aro some food. And gave him something to drink. We all ate in silence.

I could tell Aro was so hungry. What the hell was his mother doing kicking him out of the house and clearly not feeding him.

When he was done Aro thanked me for the meal. Then walked out the door. I spent the rest of my day cleaning my room and washing clothes.

As time went on the feud between Aro and Draxson didn't not get better. They would fight at every chance they got.

People all around the pack loved my son and accepted him as their Alpha.

That made me so happy.

Because everything I do is for him.





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