ECC! Frost! #1: Chilling Out

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Puns are back. Welcome to the Frost! saga, a two-shot story that tells the story of a brave knight named Erica, and how she hopefully gets rid of the narcissism of hers. Seriously it's annoying.

What's this? Looks like the girls decides to take a trip to a special place just to train! Hopefully they don't destroy anything in there.

(Beware of cuss words by the end of the chapter, just in case you don't like 'em. It's censored anyway so pfft but just a heads up)

It was a peaceful day, the girls decided to come over at Erica's place, and so far everything was going smoothly.

Until the phone rang.

Erica: I got it. *picks up* Hello? Yes, General, it is I, Frost. What seems to be the problem?

"Ah, greetings, Frost. Listen, I wanted to let you know that there won't be any missions today, however, I've managed to find a perfect place for you and the Elementals to train on. I've been keeping a close eye on each and every single one of you. And I've noticed that due to inevitable circumstances, none of you are actually able to train and hone your skills properly. Because of that, I've provided you all a very special place to train on. I will transport you all to a place called the 'Arena'. It is located in the center of the universe, filled with loads of targets and occasional monster attacks, perfect for training. Do not worry, the field around it is indestructible, so you shan't worry about the damage that you might cause."

Erica: Well, that certainly sounds like a great offer, General! We'll be there as soon as possible.

"Wonderful. Farewell, Frost. We will commence the Automatic Transfer in 5 minutes."

Erica: Understood. *hangs up* No missions.

Tristan: What? Then why did he-

Erica: We'll be training for today! In five minutes, we'll be transported to a special place called the 'Arena' that's located in the center of the universe, and that's where we'll be training. The General said that we haven't really been training and honing our skills, so this is perfect for us. You guys got that? *looks at the idiots*

Bea, MJ and Rhian: *gulps* Yes.

They all waited, and soon, a familiar voice was then heard.

"Commencing Automatic Transfer Process!"

Their bodies were engulfed in a bright blue light, and were soon being dissolved along with the disappearance of the light.

They arrived inside the arena, with their bodies fully armored and their weapons in tact. In front of them, stood a tall man none other than the General himself.

Rhian: It's the General!

General: Greetings, Elementals. It is so good to finally meet you all. I am here to welcome you to the Arena. Here is where you shall all train, to strive and become better heroes than ever before! Are you prepared for battle?

The girls: Yes sir!

Greetings: Good. Now, I want you to choose a mode of battle. Will you all brawl against each other in teams of three, or do you choose to test out your skills on the monsters? Perhaps you would want to battle our state-of-the-art battle bots, or maybe you would like to test out how great you are at strategies, and try to destroy the others' towers and base by attacking them? The possibilities are endless.

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