ECC! Beginnings! #2: The Narcissistic President and her Perverted Vice

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A continuation of the first part.


Mary: Tell me why are we doing this again?

Erica: Well let's see... This is inventory so we're gonna be going to every clubroom, checking to see if someone is using it, and if not then we need to list 'em down. The other clubs need them.

Mary: I know that, but... why are you carrying your lance around? Aren't you supposed to hide your little problem from fans of yours?

Erica: No need. Other students are in class now, and besides, you never know when something might happen.

Mary: And yet you still talk like that.

Erica: Shut up. Look, we're here.

Mary: The lights are on, though. Someone's inside.

Erica: Let's check. *opens door, only to meet Bea holding a form*

Bea: Oh, hi Prez! I was about to come to the Student Council room to pass this form, look! It's got more than five members in it, too! But since you're here, come inside! Hannah's brought some snacks! *drags both of them in*

Hannah: H-h-hi, Student Council President and Vice President!

Mary: No need to be formal, and oh are those cookies?

Hannah: Y-y-y-yes! I-I-I baked them m-myself, s-so-so feel free to h-h-have some!

Mary: Very well! *takes a bite* Oh, delicious!

Hannah: T-t-thank you!

Bea: So, about the form?

Erica: ...Despite this, you need to state what you are planning to do here. Like, what are your plans for this club? What are its activities supposed to be?

Bea: Well, that I can answer! This is the Elemental Control Club, or ECC for short! In here, we will help those who are solely in need of our guidance, and guide them so that they can learn how to use their powers properly! We will help them gain control of their emotions, so that they can use their powers for good, and as an advantage instead of it being a nuisance in their everyday lives!

Others besides Erica and Tristan: *claps*

Rhian: Nice!

Erica: This cannot be accepted.

Bea: Wait wha?

Erica: Wanna know why? Because mine and Mary's name aren't in it! Gimme a pen!

Angel: For real?!

Erica: Yes, I have been needing help for a while now, for a knight as bright as myself simply cannot shine so brightly in the battlefield without help from thy powers that have been blessed upon me and thy soul.

Mary: Oh boy. Here comes.

Erica: Yes, it is right. I too, have powers such as you mere mortals, but seeing that you have showcased such braveness in front of me, by gaining the attention of thee, I declare that you! *points to Bea* May not be as foolish and as mere as a mortal as I initially thought.

Angel: *whispers to Mary* Is she always like this..?

Mary: *whispers back* Yeah but it's usually funny to watch that kind of display coming from, of all people, her.

Erica: And thus, my fair maiden and I, Erica Danielle Collins, the shining knight of ice and snow, shall join thy club of yours in order to pursue thy dreams, and to pursue my dreams of becoming the brightest knight in the land! *bows*

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