ECC! Psychic! #2: Don't Mind Me

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A continuation of last time.


Our three heroes head towards the strong source of energy, according to Mary. They were then met with a rather large cave being covered by a huge rock.

Mary: The source is coming from here!!

Roxane: It's probably behind that rock. How do we destroy it?

Erica: *smirks* Leave this to me. *uses Ice Beam*

The rock then turned to ice upon contact with Ice Beam. Erica then grabbed her lance from its place and with several swift movements, she was able to slice it and further break it off to little shards of ice. As the shards fell to the ground, Roxanne's eyes widened as she saw a familiar sight standing in front of a portal.

Roxanne: Hans!

Hans turned around upon hearing his name, and his composed face turned to a shocked one, as he hastily entered the portal without saying a single word.

Roxanne: Wait! Gah, dammit! C'mon! *runs towards the portal and enters it*

Mary and Erica: *follows Roxanne*

They were then transported inside what seemed to be an arena.

Hans: Tch! Why did you follow me! I told you that I hate you, didn't I?!

Roxanne: But Hans! Mother and father are worried about you!

Hans: You never wanna do anything fun with me! You always keep me inside the house!!! And if this is the only way I get to have my amusement, then so be it! Leave me alone!!!

Roxanne: Hans.. I..

They were then interrupted by a rather loud growl coming from the other side of the arena. A huge three-headed dragon then came out from the large door, breathing fire. Its eyes landed on Hans as it suddenly charged towards him.

Hans: *charges towards the dragon*

Mary: Huh. Tough kid. We should stay back.

Roxanne: But he's gonna die!

Erica: We know what we're doing. This should hopefully serve as a lesson. We'll step in when he gets in trouble.

Mary: Yep. That's the plan. *eyes then cast towards Erica's chest* *sweatdrops* This isn't good.

Roxanne stood in horror as she watched her brother trying to fight off the huge dragon, yet to no avail he fails to do so. Luckily he barely gets hit, until the dragon decided to use its tail to grab Hans.

Roxanne: Hans!!!

Hans struggled to free himself from the dragon's grip, but he couldn't. Instead, the dragon set its eyes on Roxanne and soon charged towards her as well while she ran and struggled to keep her aim.

Erica: Alright, it's our turn! Mary- Mary?

Mary was looking down at her chest with a lustful look in her eyes and a devilish smile.

Erica: *gulps* Fair maiden snap out of it! We have no time for this!

Mary: But they look so soft~

Erica: *sighs* I'm sorry, I hope you'll forgive thee. *slaps Mary*

Mary: *eyes widen* E-Erica?

Erica: I'm sorry, but please control thy desires, fair maiden. For now, we have to help Roxanne.

Mary: *looks down* Right, right.

Erica then smiled as she charged towards the dragon with her lance readied. Mary then grabbed her spell book as she cast a silent prayer.

Erica: *uses Icicle Pentagram*

Mary: *eyes turn purple* Deranto moni wo tresta! Please protect my knight! *throws arm forward*

Giant icicles then grew from the ground and surrounded the dragon in a circular manner, yet the dragon only melted it with its breath. The dragon then eyed Erica instead of Roxanne and breathed fire towards her direction, only for it be blocked by a purple force field.

Erica: Thank you, fair maiden! *continuously fires an ice beam from both hands*

The Ice Beam slowly took effect, slowly freezing and turning the dragon into a huge crystallized statue. Erica then glanced and nodded at Mary. Mary's eyes widened.

Erica: Finish her off, m'lady! Do the honors!

Mary: *smiles* Right! Zel'anda mo: Mary! Upgrading: Mary!

A bright and almost blinding purple light engulfed Mary's body in it. Moments later, the light disappeared, revealing said girl in a change of clothes and a devilish smirk on her face.

Mary: It is good to be back. Now... Mazou Estevania Danvadro Lunaria! Lunaria zen'devon danvadro alyas del'contra ni vetraniz! Moon Glow Energy Ball! Release this power under the glow of the moon!

As Mary threw her arm up, she focused every last bit of her power on the ball of energy on her palm, which slowly grew as she continued to chant her spell. She later opened her eyes and threw her arm forward, throwing the huge ball of pure energy towards the dragon, and as soon as it made contact, the job was done.

Seeing that the dragon was gone, Mary was once more, engulfed by a bright light, and as her body fell to the ground Erica rushed towards her and caught her in time, bridal style. Mary opened her eyes and seeing that they were reverted back to their normal blue hues, Erica smiled lovingly.

Erica: You did well in battle, fair maiden.

Mary: *chuckles weakly* I couldn't have done it without you.

Erica: Of course. *chuckles*

Both of them were then engulfed by a bright blue light, indicating that their job here was done. They both looked at Roxanne's direction where they saw the siblings in a loving and a long-awaited hug, making the both of them smile.


They were back, and were still in the clubroom. The moon was shining brightly, making Mary smile as she prayed and gave her thanks. Erica put her down and grabbed her bag along with Mary's.

Erica: It's late, we better go home, don't you think so too, fair maiden?

Mary took one more look at the moon before looking back at Erica and nodding.

Mary: Let's go home, my knight.


End of the Psychic! saga. Next up will be the last character-based saga, the Frost! saga.

(Holy heck MaEri is more canon than TristAn and JadeCess combined wtf)


ECC! The Elemental Control ClubOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora