Festival 2

14 1 0

12th May 2018

Diary... today is the second day of the festival, it's 12:30 pm right now and I just had lunch.
My friends are having another day off today and want me to go to the club again with them since it's Friday night... 

He's now texting me and telling me to make up my mind. Diary, I guess I already made up my mind. I won't go. I don't want to. I know it's Friday night and I know it's gonna be so much fun and all, with so many people but I still don't want to go. It's not me, it's not like myself. I'd probably do it once in a while but definitely not that often. I don't want to and I won't go. 

It's not about drinking

It's not about going to the club

And it's also not about being with these friends  

Or maybe it is.

It's about... it's about my intuition. My feeling, my instinct and my gut.

I don't know why but something keeps telling me that what I'm doing is wrong. I mean... I don't feel comfortable or satisfied or happy. I just feel uncomfortable and more like I wanna go back home..  All the time. That's how I was feeling ever since we departed.

Unlike when I'm with Max, I feel more comfortable and all the sort of good feelings with that guy. I feel so much more comfortable when he's around. The thing is I don't know him that much, we only talked a few countable times. I don't get it. I really don't

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