chapter ³

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"Slow down, Y/N. You're eating too fast."

You ate so much. For honestly no reason. No actually, you did have a reason. Someone else was paying.

"You sure, you're okay with paying ? I mean I don't want to force you, you know ?"

"It's fine, don't worry about it."

You continued swallowing the food in front of you. Food really was the remedy to everything, wasn't it ?

"How have you been doing anyway ?" You looked at him.

"So-so. I could be better." He said.

You nodded and continued asking him question. "Any trace of your dad ?"

You knew that bringing up Laxus's father was a touchy subject but you knew your boundaries on what to ask and what not to ask.

"Nothing, unfortunately." He whispered looking away from you.

You looked up at him and then hugged his sides. "Sorry. I'm being selfish right now, complaining about my nonsensical problems. Want me to help somehow ?"

"Nah, it's alright. Cheer up, you're not done eating."

You and Laxus were close friends but nothing more. You guys got along fine due to the both of you being around the same age and both capable of great power.

You had met him the first day you came into the guild and he had been such a jerk that you definitely didn't think you two would become as close as you were now.

He was probably the person you were the closest to. And although he didn't understand what you found in Gildarts, he was almost always there to listen to you rant about him.

You kept eating, sometimes glancing at him. He always had a whole lot in his mind. You had to make him feel better somehow.

"You know, I thought about it for awhile. How about you just ask Juvia for advice ? I bet she'd have some freaky shit to show you ! I think I saw her make a love potion once..." He said making you lost track of your thoughts.

"Oh no ! As much as I like her, she creeps me out with her ideas sometimes. Have you seen the way her room is decorated ?"

He laughed at that. While covering his face of course.

"I mean, I can't lie. I've thought about it before. On multiple occasions." You admitted scratching your head.

At this point he was just making fun of you. But it didn't matter since you knew he had good intentions.

"Jesus Christ ! You have to get some help !" He said grabbing on to his stomach.

You smiled at him tenderly.

Mission accomplished.


"Lucy, you're back early !" You shouted while entering the guild, the next day.

"Yeah ! Turns out that job was way easier than I expected ! We should totally go on a job together next time, it'll be so much fun !" she said jumping up and down.

"Yeah, of course ! Do you know where Natsu is now, by the way ?"

She held an awkward expression on her face but kept smiling. "He's.. with Gildarts. How are you feeling by the way ?"

"Meh, I'm alright. Nothing unusual about this situation. You don't have to worry about me ! Oh right ! I have a gift for you actually."

You dug in your bag and took out a fanny-pack holding several compartments.

"I bought it on my way here while I was with Laxus. I know you said you needed something to hold your stuff in better, so here you go !"

Lucy had sparkles in her eyes. You always were happy to make the others at guild happy too.

She went to hugged you. "Thank you so much !"

"I painted it a little bit if you don't mind. I just thought I'd look better personalized." You explained to her, hugging her back.

"I love it, thank you so much Y/N !"


"We're back everyone !"

Natsu's voice rang through the whole guild as he ran towards you and Lucy.

"Welcome back, Fire ball !" You welcomed him smiling slightly.

"You're only a few years older than me... No need for the nickname." He replied with a pout.

"Lucy ! Let's go on a job, I'm in desperate need of money. See you around Y/N!" He said dragging her off to the unknowns.

You waved them goodbye and sighed. Now what were you going to do ?

Quickly a large hand flew on your head, ruffling your hair during the process, before grabbing you and pulled towards their torso. You froze, recognizing the distinct smell of the person holding you.

"How about hanging out with me, doll face ?"

You looked down and turned your head slightly. "H-Hey. What would you like to do Gildarts ?"

He let you go and examined your face up close.

"You're entire personality changes when you're around me. How is it possible to be timid and impulsive at the same time ? How far can I go until you're a complete wobbling mess ?" He said leaving your body frozen shut and your mouth speechless.

"Not that far, I guess. Let's go outside, shall we ?" He said laughing.

"Wait ! You didn't answer my question," You asked looking straight at him.

He turned around, trying to hide his slight blush from you, and smirked.

"What I'm about to ask, is something of the utmost important. So answer carefully." He started jokingly.

"Wanna go on a job with me (Y/N) ?"


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