Eclipse the Darkling: Guiding Stars

Start from the beginning

The radio whirs and beeps, checking for a signal; I came to the plains for this exact reason, wanting a clear connection to negotiate with. After a minute of chirping, it successfully connects, or I assume it does. The writing on it means nothing to me, since I have never learned English characters, but a light on it turns green, which I take to mean it is ready.

Whether or not I am ready is a bit harder to tell.

I take a breath, reaching out a three-fingered hand and carefully twisting the dial I believe controls the channel. I adjust it slowly, determinedly, listening alertly for any voices.

I have never used a radio, but similarly primitive devices were how my forefather, Black Doom, communicated with Mobius fifty years prior, so I have a basic understanding of the technology. As I turn, I start to hear words through the static, and I hold fast to my gathered courage as I try to tune them in.

"Base receiving, over."

The human voice comes through suddenly, startling me with its clarity. I quickly let go of the dial, not wanting to lose the channel, and begin to rehearse the words I've practiced. Then, I lift my hand to press the transmitter--and immediately withdraw it as the human male starts speaking again.

"This unit is registered to a ship that is recorded as stolen and unrecovered. Who is radioing, and how did you access this unit?"

This time, I reach more confidently for the transmission switch, having a definite question to answer.

"I am the person who stole the ship," I reply, somewhat amused at the question. Who else would be calling on the radio? "I am Eclipse the Darkling, elite of the Black Arms. I would like to talk to someone of respectable rank, preferably your Commander. I have some negotiations to make." I wait for a response, but the radio is quiet. I check that my hand is off the transmitter and frown, wondering if perhaps my accent prevented me from getting my request across. Just in case, I decide to repeat the important part. "Someone of respectable rank for negotiations."

"Yes, I am patching you through. Please hold," the man requests, which confuses me. Hold the radio? Patching through? Is that slang for teleportation? I was sure human technology was insufficient to mimic Chaos Control, but I put a hand on the radio as a precaution just in case it manages to warp away.

To my bafflement, perky music starts to play from the speakers, and I am grateful the radio does not have a camera to broadcast my complete confusion to the human organization.


"Please hold. Your call is important to us," a feminine voice says smoothly, and I flinch away from the device, spooked by the robotic tone. I immediately catch myself, scolding my instincts that it is just audio, it cannot hurt me--

"Please hold. Your call is important to us," the robotic she-demon repeats, and I hiss, pulling away despite myself as the perky music continues.

Well, this is a new genre of nightmare, if no less terrifying, I mutter internally, shivering in an attempt to throw off the voice's influence. While the music is still cheerful, my sharp ears are starting to find it eerie, and it's an enormous relief when the auditory assault stops suddenly.

"Eclipse the Darkling, I can't say I expected this," a different man says conversationally over the line, surprising me with his calm, authoritative tone. I had expected a more flustered reaction from the military organization, but this human sounds completely unperturbed to be talking to me. "I am Commander of G.U.N. Abraham Tower; you can speak to no higher ears than mine. What is it you wish to negotiate?"

Oh, so he's Shadow's Commander, I recognize, amber eyes narrowing. That must be why he's comfortable talking to me. He must be quite the human to command the allegiance of the blood traitor.

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