Show Time

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P.O.V: Lillian

Thursday came much too quickly for my liking, we had all just been hanging out and enjoying some time together. Nadia had been happy to see both Roman and I, he had been spending a lot more time with her lately and it was lovely to watch.
We were all having lunch together before we headed out to Tahoma, Peter and I stood cooking while Roman plaid with Nadia on the floor. Destiny hobbled in on her crutches which she hated with a passion and plopped down at the island by us.
Peter and I were making a hearty roast meal, he was manning the stove while I poured us all something to drink. I had to marvel at everything that was happening around me, we were like one big dysfunctional family, and I loved it. The idea that something could happen that night to change any of that terrified me though. 
"Lunch is ready." Peter called out as he started to dish up, I had set the table already and took the glasses I had just poured over slowly.
Roman carried Nadia over and kissed her forehead gently as he placed her into her highchair. He gently wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed me, Destiny scoffed as she walked in and sat down slowly.
"Get a room." She said and Roman glared at her as he took his seat next to Nadia.
"Last time I checked I could do what I wanted under my roof." He retorted and I sighed, I knew that the two of them would never stop being at each others throats.
We all settled down to lunch then and it was lovely, but there was an unspoken sense of unease around us. Destiny, Nadia and myself were leaving right after lunch, her second cousin was expecting us by three. I had't wanted to leave this early, but Roman had insisted on it, and in the end I had relented to just keep the peace.
We drew lunch out as much as we possibly could, but eventually it was inevitable. I helped Peter clean the kitchen while Roman carried my and Nadia's bags downstairs.
"I'll keep an eye on him." Peter said and I sighed as I placed the plate I had been drying down as I turned to look at him.
"I want you both back Peter, we are all a family, you and Des are the weird cooky adopted Aunt and Uncle, and Roman's the love of my life, I want you both back, you got it?" I said seriously and he nodded as he pulled me into a hug.
"We will both be fine Lil, I promise." He said as he gently kissed my forehead.
"I'll hold you to it wolfy." I winked as we both got back to work. Once we were finished I felt a pit form in my stomach as I walked out to Roman, he was putting Nadia's navy woollen coat and beanie on.
He stood slowly and looked down at me, all he did was pull me to him. I laid my head on his chest as I breathed in his cologne, I made a point of taking in every detail of him as I stood there. I noticed how his brown hair framed his forehead perfectly, the ways his eyes lit up when he looked at me, the small scar on his cheek, and his lips which I knew very well.
"I love you Roman, and you better come back to us." I said as I bent down and picked Nadia up from the couch. I held her on my left hip to avoid my rib which still caused me a great deal of discomfort.
"I love you more than you'll ever know Lillian, and I have every intention of coming back to you." He said as  his lips met mine, that kiss held so much emotion in it as he ran his hand through my hair slowly. He pulled away then and placed a small kiss on my forehead before he kissed Nadia. "I'll see you soon Lil." He said as he placed his hand on my cheek gently, I leaned my head against his hand as he did and closed my eyes slowly.
"You better go." He said eventually and I nodded slowly as I bit my lip.
"I love you." I said as tears filled my eyes slowly as I carried Nadia out to the car, her little hand laid on my cheek as I walked. I looked down at her and smiled sadly as I kissed her cheek gently.
I tied her in as Roman and Peter packed the boot for us, Destiny got into the passenger seat and placed her crutches on the seat beside Nadia.
"You be safe, okay." I said to both Roman and Peter before I started to pull out slowly.
The first half of the drive was silent, Nadia had even fallen asleep in her seat as I headed towards Tahoma.
"You okay?" Destiny asked eventually and I just nodded slowly.
"You think they're going to be okay?" I asked and she nodded.
"I do, they've done this kind of shit before." She said adamantly. "I'm glad you've decided not to go though, we need you Lil, we all do." She added and I sighed as I looked at her sadly.
"I need all of you guys, I've never felt like I've belonged like this before. You guys are the family I never had, the closest I ever had was Donovan, but even he wasn't like you guys." I said softly.
"You're like my sister Lil, and I love you." She said as she patted my knee gently.
"Even after I almost killed you in a car accident?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.
"Yea, even after that." She winked.
We continued to drive as the sun started to set along the horizon, we were running a bit behind time, it was nearing five o'clock now. I could sense that we were getting close though, the presence of the wolves made my senses heighten.
"Take that path into the woods." She said indicating to a dirt path which had been carved after years of use.
I pulled down it and we approached a small cabin, a tall bearded man walked out and leaned against the wall as he watched us.
Destiny got out and hobbled over to him with her crutches, he looked down at her worriedly as Destiny gestured for us to head over. I reached back and untied Nadia as two of the mans sons headed to the boot and grabbed our bags.
"Welcome." The man said and I was taken aback as he hugged me gently.
"This is my cousin Jackson, Jack this is Lillian and baby Nadia." Destiny said making all the proper introductions. Jacks boys walked up behind us then with our bags.
"These two are Trevor and Tom, they're my youngest." He said and both boys gave me a small wave, they were obviously twins and seemed very sweet. I heard the door open then and glanced up to see a woman with shocking red hair walk out.
"Are you just going to stand there and keep our guests outside all night Jack?" She asked and he laughed as he nodded and led us inside. The house smelt like stew and looked very homely, a older boy sat at the table as a teenage girl walked in with a crop top on which boasted a hand flipping the bird.
"I told you not to wear that shirt tonight Flo!" Her mother scolded her and she rolled her eyes as she walked over to Nadia slowly.
"She's Upir isn't she?" She asked and I nodded slowly, she held her arms out and Nadia went to her. "She's cute, even if she's a blood sucker." The girl said and I watched as her father rolled his eyes.
"Flo, come on a little more respect to our guests." Her mother said as she walked over and hugged me gently.
"I'm Yolanda." She said as she pulled away slowly.
"I'm Lillian, and this is Nadia." I said as I gestured to Nadia who seemed transfixed on Flo's hair which was also red like her mothers.
"I'm pleased to meet you both." She smiled as she gestured for me to sit, Destiny and I both walked over to the dining table and sat down slowly. Their older boy looked up at me and gave me a small smile.
"I'm Reagan." He said and I smiled as I greeted him. "So you're getting hitched to that rich guy in Hemlock?" He asked and I nodded slowly, I felt a pang of sadness rip through me as I thought of Roman.
"You guys must live in some huge mansion." Flo said as she started to spin Nadia around.
"They do, they even have a pool, and a pool house." Destiny smirked.
"I um, you guys should come visit sometime." I said lost for anything else to say.
"I'll take you up on that offer, I'm sure you guys will need a babysitter from time to time." Flo said and I laughed as I nodded slowly.
"Yea you guys are going to need all the help you can get when number two comes along." Destiny said and I smiled as I thought about out little girl.
"You're pregnant?" Yolanda asked as she handed Destiny a glass of whiskey and paused with mine in her hand.
"No, um I can't have children, our head scientist at the institute is able to help us with that though." I said softly and Yolanda nodded slowly.
"We struggled with Reagan, but after that they just kept coming." She laughed and I smiled sadly as she handed me my whiskey then.
"So what has Peter gotten himself into now?" Jack asked as he perched on the dinning table beside me.
"There are some Dhampir terrorising Hemlock, and they are going to take them out for good." Destiny said as she lit up a cigarette.
"Dhampir? Shit, I thought that they were just European folk lore." Yolanda said as she took a sip of her drink.
"No, they're real alright." I sighed as I pulled my phone out, Roman was going to text me before they headed out, there was nothing from him yet though.
"Well shit." Jack said as he grabbed one of Destiny's cigarettes.
"You guys shouldn't smoke around the baby." Flo said responsibly and I smiled slightly.
"She'll be good." Destiny said and waved her hand dismissively.
"It's a good thing you aren't a mother Destiny." She said and Destiny flipped her off as my phone buzzed. I unlocked it quickly, it was just Roman telling me he loved me. I smiled sadly as I locked it again and set it on the counter face up. "Hey Lillian, I think Nadia needs changing." Flo said as she held her out to me, I laughed as I took Nadia slowly, Yolanda told me that I could use the master bedroom to change her in. I slowly walked into the back of the house and started to change Nadia, she looked up at me with her piercing blue eyes.
"It's going to be okay beautiful, daddy is going to be fine." I smiled as I picked her up gently, she laid her hand on my cheek slowly, as she did images of Roman laying dead at Delphine's feet flashed through my mind as two other Dhampir ripped Peter apart and threw him onto a fire.
I glanced down at Nadia wide eyed as the images faded, I felt the blood trickle from my nose, but made no effort to wipe it. I had to be there, I couldn't let this happen to them, it was on me to stop it now.
I hurried back out to the lounge Destiny's eyes widened as she saw the blood which trickled down my face.
"Shit, you okay?" Flo asked as I handed Nadia to Destiny before I grabbed my phone and the keys from the table.
"What did you see?" Destiny asked as I reached the door.
"They're going to die." I said softly, my heart was pounding as I opened the door.
"If you go now you will die too." She said and I felt tears sting my eyes as I looked at her sadly.
"Promise me you'll help Rome with the kids Des, promise me you'll be there for him." I said softly and watched as she nodded slowly. "I love you Des, and I love you Nadia." I said quietly before I headed out for the car.
I got in and tied my seatbelt quickly before I sped back toward Hemlock. I was still forty minutes out when the text came from Roman telling me that they were heading to the house. It was a thirty minute drive for them to the house in Newfolk, I was going to have to drive like a bat out of hell to get there in time.
I guess this was my path after all, I had to give my life for them, and I was willing to make that sacrifice, they meant too much to me to loose them now.
I was going a hundred miles an hour and it was a miracle that I hadn't been pulled over as I used the back roads to head towards Newfolk.
My heart was almost beating out of my chest as I headed towards the house, it was dark now and the houses were all illuminated while families sat down to dinner none the wiser as to what was happening just blocks from their houses.
I eventually pulled up to the house and saw Roman's old red jag parked out front, I didn't even think that thing would still run, but they had clearly used it for old times sake.
I inhaled deeply before I quickly got out and grabbed the knife which I had used last time from the boot. I strapped it to my thigh as I hurried in quickly, the first floor was empty but I could hear commotion coming from the basement.
I hurried towards it pushing through the pain in my side as I practically ran down the steps which led into the dimly lit basement.
As I headed in I saw them, it was just like in the dream, Roman was backed up against a wall as two of the Dhampir cornered him. Peter was also being cornered by two of them at the other side of the basement, and in the middle of them stood Delphine.
I had to act quickly before Nadia's vision played out before me before I could do anything to stop it.

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