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P.O.V: Roman
I had woken up early that morning and phoned Victoria and told her to clear my schedule, I wanted to understand what had happened with Lillian the day before. I sat out on the balcony with a cigarette in hand as I flipped through Pryce's final report on the nanotech which we were launching. It was going to revolutionise the way things like cancer was treated, and I was proud to be apart of it.
I glanced out over the dewy back yard and sighed, I had been beside myself with worry the night before. The fact that she had just left brought back all the feelings I had felt that week when she had left with Donovan. We hadn't even been together then, and yet her absence had still had such a profound effect on me. My poor staff had to bare the brunt of it, the HR lady was even knocking on my door eventually with complaints, I hadn't had a visit from her since I took over the company.
Last night though at the bar she truly astounded me when she handed that guy his arse on a platter, she had been irresistible after that, and last night had been our best by far. After we had finished though I found myself fearing that her sudden departure was because of what had happened on the plane.
It felt wrong being with her like that, I didn't look at her in that way, all the woman in high school had been nothing more than meaningless flings. Lillian was so much more than that, and yet I had treated her like some lowly whore. It made me feel sick and I was certain that that was what had driven her away, that and the fact that I had practically forced my child on her.
I sighed in aggravation as I leaned forward slowly and rested my head in my hands, Peter had said it before, there was some kind of a curse around us which practically forced those we loved away from us. I inhaled deeply before standing slowly, I grabbed the paperwork I had been reading and headed towards my office.
Lillian was still sound asleep and I didn't blame her, she was going to have a bit of a hangover this morning to say the least. I had emailed a few nannies about someone who could come and keep and eye on Nadia during the day. Ten of the fifteen I had emailed replied with their CV's, I had instantly ruled out six, and set up interviews with the other four. 
One of them was supposed to be at the tower by ten that morning but Victoria had rescheduled it for me. I sat down in the high back leather chair and sighed as I clicked through a few emails, as I did something occurred to me. I knew that Lillian didn't celebrate her birthday, but I knew that it was coming up, and I wanted to do something for her.
I started to look for something that could possibly be even marginally good enough for her. My first idea was jewellery, but nothing seemed right, and I didn't have enough time to get a piece designed for her now. My attention then shifted to a car, but I had more than enough and she seemed more than content with using mine. I then started to google places we could travel to, Europe was my first instinct, but as I started to search more I thought I stumbled on the perfect place.
I leaned back in my chair as I phoned Veronica and asked her to get everything sorted for me, it all seemed to fall into place from there. It was time that we stopped living in the shadows of our past, Lillian had told me not to let what had happened define me, and it was time that she listen to her own advice.
I smiled to myself, I was quietly pleased with my efforts, but I still wanted to get her something else. I was sure that's I'd figure it out eventually.
I was just about to call Peter when I heard Lillian head down the stairs, I set my phone down before hurrying out to see her. She was slightly pale and didn't look too happy, I knew that she was feeling the effects of last night. She had made the mistake of opening a bottle of champaign when we had gotten back which hadn't helped her at all.
"Well good morning." I smiled as I leaned against the door frame as I watched her, she just waved at me as she padded into the kitchen. I heard Nadia wake up then and I saw Lillian physically wince at the sound her her crying. My heart sank then, perhaps Nadia had more to do with all of this than I thought. "Maria!" I called out and the small woman appeared quickly. "Please see to Nadia." I instructed and watched as she hurried upstairs.
Lillian poured herself a glass of water then and downed it before she tapped two paracetamol and codeine tablets from an amber pill bottle.
"You okay there beautiful?" I asked and she just held her finger up as she downed the two pills quickly.
"I hate alcohol." She mumbled eventually as she hopped up onto the counter and sighed.
"Would you like to go have a bath or shower before we talk about last night?" I asked softly, as I said it her head shot up as she looked at me seriously.
"I thought I made up for disappearing on you last night." She said seriously, that hurt a bit, she really thought that she could use sex to just make things disappear; did I really come off as that desperate, and easy?
"I um, I still think we need to talk about it though." I said gently and watched as she rubbed her temples.
"Fine, we can talk about it when you get back from work." She shrugged as she hopped off of the counter and started to head upstairs. As she did Maria walked downstairs with Nadia in her arms obviously to give her breakfast. Nadia held her arms out to Lillian as Maria carried her, but Lillian side stepped them before hurrying upstairs.
I sighed sadly as I walked over and gently kissed Nadia's forehead before hurrying upstairs to find Lillian. She had locked herself in our bathroom, I knocked gently and practically begged her to let me in.
I eventually heard her unlock the door, it was obvious that she had been crying and I felt my heart break slightly as I looked at her.
I didn't say a word as I reached out and pulled her to my chest slowly, I leaned my chin on her head and felt her sigh as she wrapped her arms around my waist slowly.
"Talk to me..." I said gently and felt her move away, we headed into the bedroom and sat down on our unmade bed.
"I um, I don't know what to say." She sniffed as I climbed over and wrapped my arm around her shoulders.
"You can start off by telling me what's going on with you and Nadia." She stiffened as I said it.
"Roman I..." She started to say but sighed as she bowed her head. "I thought I'd be fine with it, I thought that I could just step up and be there for her, but seeing you with her Rome, it just made me realise how disappointing it will be for you when I can't give you another one." Her words cut at me and I sighed softly.
"Get up, and get dressed, I want to show you something." I said seriously and watched as her face clouded, but she listened to me as she disappeared into the bathroom.
I had showered when I had gotten up so all I did was pull on a casual pair of black slacks which I paired with a navy long sleeve shirt. I rolled the sleeves up to just below my elbows before pulling on my slightly scuffed pair of casual Louis Vuitton boots which I laced up quickly. I glanced in the mirror and decided to just leave my floppy hair the way it was, and with that I was done. I sat down on the chaise lounge and crossed my legs as I waited for Lillian.
She walked out a little while later in a matching set of baby blue lingerie, I couldn't help but watch her intently as she walked into our closet. She pulled on a pair of high waisted navy blue jeans, she then tucked a sheer white blouse into the pants before slipping a pair of black six inch heels on. She looked amazing, and I had to admit that I was loving her new wardrobe.
"You ready?" I asked as she haphazardly pulled her hair into a crocodile clip, she nodded in response as she grabbed her ray bans and slipped them on. I reached out and took her hand in mine as we headed down to the garage, I led her over to the FF and helped her in before walking over to my side.
I quickly pulled out and headed towards the tower, as I drove I kept glancing at Lillian sadly. I felt so guilty about the whole ordeal the day before now, I should have been more conscientious when it came to introducing Nadia into our lives.
Lillian raised an eyebrow as the tower started to come into view on the horizon.
"What are we doing here?" She asked softly and I smiled slightly as I pulled into my parking spot and slowly go out. I ran my hand through my hair before walking around and grabbing Lillians hand in mine as we walked in.
As soon as we headed in I got a few looks from some of my employees, most of them had never seen me out of a suit before so my casual look today caught them off guard. I led Lillian over to the elevator and swiped my new card over the panel and inserted a pin to head down to SB-6. We plummeted down the floors and eventually the doors slid open revealing the highly classified floor, only Pryce, myself and two of his most trusted lab techs were allowed down here.
"Come on." I said softly and led her towards another set of locked doors. I hoped that we wouldn't bump into Pryce, but I knew it would be inevitable, he would have been notified the moment I pressed the button for this floor.
"What are we doing here?" Lillian asked as she hurriedly followed me, the sound of her heels echoed throughout the room and I internally grimaced at their loudness.
"You'll see." I said again softly, she gave me a worried look as I unlocked the final door before walking her into the stark white room which was illuminated by a single light source in the middle.
"What is this?" She asked wide eyed as she walked over to the cradle in the middle.
"This is ouroboros, or whatever Pryce has called it now. A year ago he was able to transfer Shelley's consciousness into a scientifically generated human body, it would have worked if my mouther hadn't ripped her throat out." I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck as I remembered how distraught Shelley had been.
"Okay, but why are you showing me this?" She asked softly.
"Because Johan can do that for us, he can use our DNA and we can have our own baby. We have the world at our fingertips Lil, you must not feel bad about what happened, and what can't happen. You and I can have our baby one day, and it can be entirely ours." I said and watched as she stared at the adolescent sized human in the cradle. As soon as Olivia had killed Priscilla, Pryce had started on another body for Shelley, it was after all his life goal.
"He can really make us a real baby?" She asked softly and I nodded, we had known each other for just over a month and we were talking about children, but it felt so natural.
"I can get one cooking for you today." I heard Pryce say and I spun around quickly. "Thought you had the morning off Roman." He commented and I just shrugged.
"Can you really do it? Will she be like a proper baby, and grow up normally?" Lillian asked softly and Pryce nodded.
"I can even let you choose whether or not it's a witch, or an Upir, or even a human. I'd discourage you from choosing the later though, it would look ridiculous when you both are still in your twenties but your child is eighty." I felt Lillian grab my hand then as he said it, the look of hope which flashed across her face made me happy.
"H-how long does it take?" She asked softly, Pryce shrugged as he looked at the toddler in the cradle.
"I can pause the ageing process at any stage by placing the child in a cryogenic state, so we can start it whenever you want, and we can defrost the child whenever you're ready." The way he put it made me cringe, he was too clinical, he put no emotion what so ever into what he said, Lillian didn't seem fazed though as she looked up at me wide eyed.
"We can have a baby one day." She said softly and I nodded as she hugged me tightly.
"We can do this whenever you want darling." She peered up at me as I said it.
"You want this too?" Her voice was soft and filled with emotion as she said it.
"Of course I want this! I don't know how, or why but I feel like I've known you my entire life, this just seems like the inevitable choice for us. I know we are going to spend the rest of our lives together babe, I can feel it." I said softly and watched as she smiled slightly and nodded, there was a part of me which had really begun to doubt the outcome of my dream. There was no way that I was going to loose Lillian now, I would not let that happen.

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