Chapter 37 - Dysfunctional

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It was weird, having the old Finley back. Attitude wise, she was completely like her old self. However, anytime Bucky tried to hold a conversation with her- he would lose her by the end of every one. Finley would just stare forward, her entire world around her changing while all Bucky could do was watch.

"I still can't tell." She admitted defeatedly. "I can't tell which memories are real, and which ones HYDRA programmed in. I have to see it for myself Bucky. "

Taking in her tired expression, he announced his confusion. "What do you mean?"

"All these people we talk about, the places I'm seeing, I know them- but I can't remember them. It doesn't matter how many times you tell me, I know I'm gonna forget."

Bucky was stuck. He wanted to show her, he wanted to show her everything about their past life that stuck today. Inside though, he knew that he couldn't. People were looking for her, hunting her. "I can't do that Finn, we can't. Someone will recognize us, they'll come for you."

Finley knew he was right, she knew the costs. But inside, her heart flared to understand the real truth about Finley Reaser. She wanted to know who she truley was, and the woman couldn't figure that out from inside Wakanda.

"I need to see it Bucky,  with my own two eyes- not just a memory..."

He sifted through idea after idea. There was no way he could disguise them in the city of New York, especially after the whole civil war thing between the Avengers. Each one of them were a hot topic with the government and the public.

It had been months, but something like that just didn't die down.

Of course Wanda could have used her powers, wipe the public's memories clean, but-

That was it.

"Wanda." Bucky's eyes went wide.

In confusion, Finley looked to Bucky. "Wanda?"

"The Scarlett Witch!!"

Immediately her skin crawled. "What about her Bucky...?"

"Back when we took on this thing named Ultron, Wanda tapped into our heads and pulled up a bunch of memories I couldn't have thought of myself. It was of you and me, the day I let you walk away from that park bench while Steve was running. I didnt even know I still had it. She did it for everyone; me, Steve, Natasha, Thor, Stark! I bet she can do it for you too."

Finally, Finley understood just what he was getting at. Of course he couldn't take her around the streets of New York, but he could bring the memories of the streets to her. Make her feel them, just like before. Having someone pry around in her head though, she didn't like it.

"But what if she digs something up that I don't want her to...?"

Taking in a breath, Bucky gave her a sad look. "It's the best that I got Finn..."

Then it was going to have to do. "Okay." She agreed.

"I'll see what I can do."


As Shuri ran more tests on Finley's arm, the woman watched as Bucky paced back and forth talking on the phone. First, he had started out talking to Steve. It was a normal conversation, but as soon as he began diving into the plan- she could tell that Steve wasn't exactly On board. Bringing her state side scared them all, but they needed to do it.

Wakanda was a sacred place, and bringing more people here would only endanger it.

So, there was one place safe enough for them to go if they didn't want SHEILD, HYDRA, or anyone else finding out about them. That was the STARK tower. As of now, Bucky was on the phone with Stark. Their conversation was short-lived, and it sounded more like an argument. Of course Tony hated her, she murdered his mother and father. Finley hated herself for doing it.. 

As Bucky continued talking to him though, she could hear the begging tone in Buck's voice. It killed her hearing it, how desperate he was to get her help. Inside though, she could listen to him for hours. It was a relaxing tone, something that she felt at home listening to. As soon as he hung up though, it snapped her attention back to reality and away from him. Now- Bucky and the king stood before the two girls. "He's expecting us tonight."

A breath of relief left Finley.

This was it, they were actually going to help her get her memory back.

"I am coming with." T'challa nodded.

This caught everyone's attention. "What?" Shuri asked.

The King simply nodded. "We do not know the true intentions of Mr. Stark, and in case something is to go amidst- I shall be there to aid you in any way that I can."

A smile worked it's way across Bucky's face. "Thank you. It won't just be us though."

This caught Finley's attention. "What do you mean?"

Now standing directly in front of her, Bucky sighed. "Tony has one stipulation. He wants the team there, so they can have the answers that we're looking for. He thinks since we all almost died over them, it's only fair."

Her chest suddenly got heavy. "Buck, I don't think that-"

"I know, I told him. It's what he wanted though, it's our only choice..."

There was a sympathy in his voice. He knew she didn't want them knowing the extent of her mind- the horrors that resided there. To get her memory of him though, of Steve, of her life- it felt like she didn't have another choice. The pros outweighed the cons in this situation.

Little did she know though, they really didn't.

"I shall put together a ship." The King nodded before leaving.

Shuri followed him out, so many questions running through her mind for her big brother.
For a few seconds, Bucky and Finley remained silent. Eventually, she was the one to break it. "What if you find something-" she looked away. "What if you find something you aren't supposed to?"

Sitting next to her, Bucky looked to her as softly as he could. "I won't let that happen, and neither will Wanda. She's good at what she does. She'll find what she needs to then she'll get out.."

Somehow, Finley didn't believe him. Something felt off about what they were doing, and the weight on her chest just wouldn't go away. Seeing her discomfort, Bucky slowly crept his hand forward trying to break the tension. Gently, he intertwined his fingers with her metal ones. Of course she didn't really feel it, but watching him do so Finn could feel her eyes burn.

He was willing to touch the thing that almost killed him. Bucky wasn't afraid of her, why- she didn't understand.

Unconfidently, Finley carefully squeezed her hand closed around his. Then, leaning her head against his shoulder she let out a sigh. "I'm so sorry Bucky.."

All he could do was chuckle. "For what?"

"For everything."

Biting his lip, Bucky laid his head on top of hers. "Don't say your sorry. You came back Finn, that was the only thing I ever wanted when I lost you. I didn't think I'd ever get to see you again. Everything that comes after this- it's worth it. I have you back, and I'm not letting you go."

"You're team would still be a team if it wasn't for me."

"Our team was dysfunctional from the start." He smiled again. "You should have seen Steve and Tony the first time they actually met. They were at each other's throat for a solid week. Barton was trying to kill us, Thor went behind our back, and Banner seemed to lack the interest of telling us about his 'gifts'". By now she had even cracked a smile too. "Dysfunctional is how we work though. It's what we do best. It keeps who were going against off guard. But we always pull together in the end. That's what matters. And I think after this- that's what going to happen."

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