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Hello everyone!  It's your (lazy) lovely author here, and today I'll be doing a little q & a for you guys!  Also if you are curious about anything feel free to leave a comment and ask me a question. 

Don't worry, I don't bite.  I'm willing to answer any of your question.  Except for these questions: Where do you live, what's you real name, and any other question that would freak me out personally.  Besides all that, I'm willing to answer anything else you are curious about.

So with that said let's get started!


Question #1: How old are you?

|Question asked by: bear-seulgi |

So..... I don't like giving my age to you guys but I will say what year I was born in, and that would be-











I'm sorry I just love doing this to you guys! ~(>_<)~


























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