Kira squeals and stands up while stretching her hand out to grab me and pull my arm. "C'mon, we have a lot to catch up on." Kira whispers while tugging me up the stairs. I turn to see Zander giving me a hard intense stare. When I met his eyes, he gave me a wink and brought out his phone.

We entered Kira's room and she swerved to face me. "Whoa! Your man is hot!" She comments and fake fans herself and I almost laugh. I wish he was my man...

"I don't have to watch out for you do I?" I ask jokingly and she winks. It was nice to have some interaction with someone that wasn't a male.

I needed to tell Kira that I wasn't staying with her anymore and maybe give her some money for letting me live with her for a bit. I don't know how she'll react but I hope she doesn't get mad. If she does, I'll just have to call Zander and we'll leave without my stuff.

"Um... Kira?" I start off and start to stare at her multiple posters of 1 Direction, who aren't really together anymore, but still called 1 Direction. I continued, "I was actually gonna move out because I found a cheap flat to live in. I didn't want to bother you especially because we only just kinda met." I watch for her reaction and she only just stared at me.

"Okay, what am I meant to say?" Kira shrugs and flops on her bed. I frown and pick up her phone that was laying on the floor.

"I don't know. I guess I'll go pack." I mumble and shuffle out before going to the spare room I was occupying. I look at the practically empty room and start to pick up some of my clothes that were laying on the floor.

After packing away into my suitcase, I realised that my suitcase felt bigger than it was when I came to her house which was weird because I didn't even buy anything. I wheel the suitcase out of the room and shut the door after me. I knock on Kira's room and hear no response so I open the door.

Kira was laying on her bed with her phone to her ear and a serious look on her face. She didn't notice me yet as she was so concentrated on whatever the person on the other end of the phone was saying.

"Who?... What did the forensic team dig up? The John Doe... Yes... The paparazzi are all over this..." I continue listening when her eyes suddenly move around the room and she notices me making her eyes widen. "Yeah... Paul, I gotta go... No! I'll be up there later today... Whatever, bye!" She snaps and ends the call. She turns to me and I raise an eyebrow but don't comment.

"You ready?" Kira asks softly and raises from her bed. I nod and we walk down the stairs. Zander was in the same spot when we left him and he looked up when we came down. He immediately took up my baggage and tells me he's gonna put them in the car.

Once he leaves Kira pulls me into a hug and for some reason, I felt like I wouldn't see her again. When we pull away, Kira holds my shoulders in her hands and looks into my eyes.

"Hey, listen. That man looks like a keeper, keep him locked up or I'm sure someone will sweep him away." For the act, I nodded deeply and smile at her. We bid goodbye and I leave, finally free.

I sit in the passenger seat and sigh. I turn to Zander to see him already watching me. I purse my lips look away. Zander starts up the engine but doesn't move. I turn to Zander and he's watching me again and his stare makes my body shiver.

"So girlfriend, ready to go home now?" Zander mocks and I roll my eyes and nod. He reverses out of the parking lot. We were surrounded in a tense silence and I felt like itching my skin. The amount of dominance that Zander exerted was nearly painful to be surrounded in.

"Can we play a game?" I ask Zander timidly and he grunts lowly. Okay caveman.

"Let's ask each other questions and each person has two skips?" He nods silently so I start.

"Favourite food?" I ask and he's silent for a while before he answers with 'Chicken'.

"Yours?" He grunts.

"Burgers!" I cheer and he smiles. His smile lights up his whole face making him look a lot better and approachable.

"You look nicer when you smile. You should smile more often." I blurt out without thinking and I hear Zander take a sharp breath of air and his smile slips right off and it was like it was never there.

"I'm sorry." I mutter and he doesn't reply so we're thrown into silence again. This man did not speak much at all.

I tap my fingers against the dashboard trying to distract myself from his awkward presence. No wonder people didn't want to be around him, he is the most awkward person I've met.

"How old are you?" Zander whispers and I tried so hard to stop the smile from forming on my face but failed. He was adorable.

"Twenty two. You?" He says he's twenty six.

The ride goes on like this until I ask one question which makes him tense up immediately and he swerves. I glance at him and his eyes are dark and cold and the once ghost of a smile on his face was replaced with a snarl.

"Do your parents live in the pack house?" My innocent question happened to have set him off and it was in one of the worst places. On the road.

"Did I say something wrong?" I ask and Zander's grip on the steering wheel tightened so much I could hear the material crunch under the pressure. Zander's glare was fixated on the road but I knew it was due to the question.

I frown and place my hand on his shoulder in a comforting way but he flinches so hard I retrieve my hand immediately.

"I'm-" Zander cuts me off with a deep growl which makes me shiver in my boots.

"SHUT UP!" He snarls and I wondered what got him so riled up but I didn't want to make him angrier so I turned away to the window.

I could practically feel his anger rolling off of him in waves and the silence was so thick that I wouldn't be able to cut through it with a chainsaw.

I wanted to look at his face but I was scared he'd snap at me again. I wondered if he had developed some serious anger issues as he could be angered so quickly nowadays. I slyly watch Zander through the mirror and see as his jaw clenches tightly and his eyebrows are downcast showing his obvious anger. Even angry, Zander managed to look flawless and I wished I could look like that when I was angry but when I was angry, I looked like a basketball.

Suddenly, Zander meets my eyes and my eyes widen and I look away quickly. I feel a blush make its way onto my face at the feeling of getting caught staring. I had blushed so many times today.

I feel the familiar bumpy road and I knew we were close. Soon, we're in the garage and as soon as Zander parks the car, he's out of here. I actually mean that he just basically disappears after opening the door. His speed was amazing.

I huff heavily and bring out the bag with the dresses and HIS bag that he neglected to pick up before he rushed off. I sigh and shut the door of the Range Rover and walk back to the pack house.

Alone. As always.

YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! 12K READS AND OVER THREE HUNDRED VOTES?! WHOA!! Can't thank you guys enough for supporting me xx
Is it just me who really wants to watch infinity war even though it came out like two weeks ago?? I just love the marvel movies!!! Comment if you do too!
Anyways have a good day xx

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