Don't fall in love with a liar

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Where is she I swore she's home around here somewhere I had a dream she came in the middle of the night. I look down from the stairs and sure enough there she's lays on the couch and there's vomit? Oh no she must have gotten sick while my selfish ass was passed out. I head down and put a cold wash cloth across her forehead and feel her cheeks she burning up even it feels fine in this house to me. I'm worried now I don't know what's going on inside of her. How could I have not stayed awake and taken care of her, what's wrong with my head?

I clean up her mess and pick up taking her upstairs to change her clothes and try and get the throw up out of her hair. She's waking up looking up at me, I'm surprised  she's not mad at me at all. "Hey where did you go yesterday you just disappeared and never came back?"  Wrapping her arms around my neck I feel her body begin to shake. 

"Are you cold Giselle or hungry ?" We reach the bathroom and I set her down on the toilet lid to start up the water. "You got sick last night, how come?" 

"Not sure I think it was the left over crap on my system I guess. Are you ok?" Whipping her eyes and looking up at me again. "I feel like your not ok."

"I'm fine , promise."  It was a lie but now wasn't the time to spill my guts and get her all worked up. "The water is ready I'm gonna join you be right back." 

She grabbed my arm and pulled me back again, "I'm gonna get sick again!"  I quickly push the trash can under her just on the Knick of time. Not to be gross but why is her stuff all brown and red. That doesn't seem normal to me. "Yuck!" She wipes sweat from her forehead and closes her eyes.

"You ok?" I shut off the water and take away her trash can to take it outside. "Should I take you back to the doctors?"

She shakes her head and says no. I'm not gonna push it. I help her on the bath and strip off my clothes. It worries me that she can't keep her eyes open.  I lay her head on my chest and face away from me to wash her off. She sneaks a kiss under my chin as I rinse her off again. "Thank you for doing this , I just feel like shit!" 

"No offense but you look like it too." She playfully snacks my leg making me laugh. "Well you want me to lie and say you look great because vomit and sex hair are not to attractive babe!"  I wash up and don't wanna get out just yet. Being here with her relaxes my mind.  I watch her breathe in and out and the way she caresses my arm. "I have to tell you something but you have to promise not to say anything to anyone not even your girl, ok?" 

"I promise I won't judge you or tell anyone." 

"I'm-" my thoughts were interrupted by a ringing phone thank god because I really wasn't ready to say what I had to say.

I walk out and see that it's jay calling, " Be right back ok?"


I step out and see what he wants. "Hey what's up?"

"She's not coming back I have her convinced to stay here with me what about the other one?" My stomach drops as Jared says this.  I look back to the bathroom door and walk downstairs out of her ears reach.

"She's clueless about me and has no idea what gonna happen. You didn't tell your girl shit did you, don't go falling in love with your girl and fuck this up!" I rub my arm over and over feeling guilty as hell.

"Touché! I should be more worried about you saying I love you to that one. It's yourself you should be worried about I saw how you two were , so don't pull that don't fall in love shit with me brother!"

"Shannon? I'm ready to get out can you help me?" Giselle calls out to me.

"Be right there babe!"

"Babe? Seriously now Shannon , who's falling in Love now? You better balls up and not fuck this other guy over got it!"

Jay doesn't scare me whatsoever,  it's the main dude that loaded with big ass dudes on his side that scares me. "Fuck off it's not what you think!"

"Oh but it is ! At least I'm not being a pussy like you are Shannon. Now man up ,  do the job you and I were  asked to do. I have to go meet up with him speaking of and see what else he wants done to the girls. Don't fuck this job up!" He hangs up and I feel like shit.

I can't tell her anything more about me , it's better she and her girl don't know what will happen to them later on.

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