Don't say anything

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"I'm not going with you back home I decided to stay here with her." He said as he sat back in the car as they pulled up to the airport. Spending all his spare time with Giselle instead of his own flesh and blood made him not want to go back home without her.

"Your foolish talking like that you know that Shannon? You barely know the broad and now your not even gonna think about what I want?" Jared fumed not even bothering to look at his brother. "We had a plan to start this band and get a record deal or did you suddenly forget that?"

"No i haven't because you remind me every fuckin day ya dick about it! How about you find someone else to make music with, I'm out I just wanna live my own life without you meddling in it. Have a safe flight home but I'm not going with you guys."

Kali not saying one word during the guys argument felt bad that she was leaving her friend behind but she wasn't about to let Jared get away either. "Our flight is about to leave Jared we should get-"

"Let's go then I will help you with your bags, don't bother calling me when you regret your choice Shannon. Your in your won this time oh and by the way if you end up dipping in the drugs again fuck off thinking I will be there to pick your ass up!" He slammed the passenger door and helped Kali out grabbing their bags to fly out home again. He didn't bother looking back to the car which soon sped away into the distance.

She slid her hand into his not asking any details about Shannon's past affairs. She also wondered about Giselle becoming vulnerable around Shannon knowing her past wasn't exactly clean either let's just put it that way. Deep in her heart she knew the real reason she didn't take the job, and it wasn't just fear of failure. Their dads were very much alike both controlling men head of the household personality.

"Why are you so quiet? I'm sorry about you having to witness that fights between Shannon and I but it stems back from when we both were younger. Kids from the wrong side of the track pretty much. He was the law breaker I was the drug dealer our mom never knew all the things we did behind her back. Our dad took off when I was young, I'm not blaming him for our childhood because that's petty to hold onto grudges when your an adult. Anyways you ready to see Louisiana?" He squeezed her hand and tried to calm the situation.

"No no I'm good I'm excited I've never been there! Lemme make a call to Giselle to say goodbye real fast before we go ,I will be back." She stepped away to the ladies room and called up her friend. "Hey babe you doing ok? Is Shannon gonna stay at the house with you?" She agreed to let Giselle stay over until she got back on her feet again. Shannon could as well as long as no funny stuff happened no parties or any cops called.

"Yea girl I'm fine don't worry about me. Have a fun tip with Jared stop worrying about me. If that's ok with you I would prefer he stay I'm scared to sleep alone you know how that goes. Can you call me when you land so I know you got there safe." 

"You got it, hey listen there's something I need to tell you about Shannon it's important-". Her body jumped ten feet feeling a hand on her shoulder.  "Oh hey Jay I was just telling her that -" She didn't like the look in his eyes when she turned around.

"We better get going, tell her goodbye hurry up!" His eyes narrowed and he wasn't playing anymore.

"Talk to you later babe love you!"  She hung up and slid it back on her purse again. "You good you seem upset about something." 

He took her hand pulling her from the bathroom doorway not saying another word.

"Hey welcome back you , hungry ? I made us some tacos shredded beef with some a side of tequila. You ok what's up ?" She walked over to him hugging him , yet he didn't hug her back. "Want me to give you some space I can tell your upset."  Waking back to the stove she took the tortillas from the oven to let them cool a bit.

"Did Kali call you or tell you anything about me today ?"  He sat down and kicked off his shoes to relax.

"No babe why would she ?" She did but it wasn't my place to say, best friends keep their mouths shut about what's said between them. "She called me to tell me she loved and would miss me that's all." I served up our lunch and handed it to him along with his glass of tequila.

"Ok, that's cool. Thank you for the grub and drink, it all smells great. Can I ask you something, and don't lie to me or tell me some sideways comment." 

"Depends on what you ask me." I swallowed down the last of my drink and stood up for another refill.

"Don't you think it's a little early to be boozing it up?"

"Maybe you should leave of your gonna act like this."

"Look I'm sorry I'm just not sure how you will react when I ask you what I have to know." He stood up coming over to hug her from behind. "You smell so good drives me crazy." Kissing her neck his hand slowly slid over her breast grabbing a handful of moaning in her ear.

"Ohhhhh that's feels good!" Leaning her head back on his body she reached around to his bulge and rubbed up and down feeling his growl deep in her ear. "I wanna fuck you so bad right now." 

"Then do it who's stopping you?"  He spun  her around and kissing her forcefully. His arms lifting her onto his waist taking her to the couch laying her body under his. "I wanna taste you on my tongue." 

"What's stopping you baby , be my guest...oh fuck!"

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