(Y/n) laid her head back against the seat of the car, a smile on permanent display as she felt Alex's hand grasp her thigh and lightly squeeze. "I didn't realize I was going for you to maul me all weekend." She said innocently with mock outrage. 

Alex chuckled. "I thought that was written in the contract, it's in small print."

"I must have seen it then, I have supervision now you know." The (e/c) eyed woman smiled turning to meet her gaze. 

"Must have done."

"Err Alex."


"Can we stop soon I am starving."

"Why do I feel you are actually talking about food this time." Alex laughed. 

"Yes, food this time."

"Okay at the next stop we will get something."

"Cool." (Y/n) settled back again trying to ignore the rumbling of her stomach and the image of food that displayed itself before her, dancing an erotic dance trying to flaunt and entice the half Kryptonian woman with their deliciousness. 

It was going to be a very long ride until the next stop. 


Alex stared wide-eyed across at her, she was still getting used to (Y/n) and her new need to eat a lot of food. 

"Stop staring at me like that it's not my fault."

"What, no I mean it's still new to get used to but okay," Alex said flustered. 

"I need this I had a gorilla that wasn't really there and a morning with Cat Grant at the hospital and her moaning and groaning the doctors weren't doing what she wanted them to do."

Alex chuckled pushing the leftover fries she hadn't eaten towards her. 

"And then do you know what she did? The doctor when she arrived to do the sonogram?"

"No what did she do?"

"She actually thought that I was married to cat Grant!" She shrieked in outrage the few people who were sat around the diner looked in their direction. 

Alex sucked her bottom lip into her mouth to try and stop the laughter that was tickling away at her. 

"I know right me a hot chick and Cat Grant I was outraged." 

"I bet you were."

"Of course I got my own back I told her about the triplets in my father's family." She said smugly picking up one of Alex's fries and eating it. 

"Are there really triplets in his family?"

"Yep quite a lot of them actually, his cousin Miranda had three pregnancies and had nine children." 

"No way!" Alex said astounded and a little terrified at the prospect. 

"Yep Christmas in his family sucks, but they all fall out a lot so that is an upside." She shrugged, it was pretty standard by now to her, she never got too attached to anyone in her father's family they never stuck around for long it was why it had been just her and her Dad for so long. 

More cars and trucks arrived outside their nosy arrivals announcing to the whole diner that it was about to be invaded by more customers, the doors opening letting in the biting cold from outside. 

"I still can't believe how cool you were with Sara." She said suddenly, the name still put Alex ill at ease. 

"Yeah, I wasn't at first." She lowered her head to not see her face. 

"But Alex don't you see, it's not that you feeling emotions that worry or bother me, but that you let them out, today you didn't let your anger get the better of you and you were so sweet, I was so proud of you." (Y/n) beamed at her, reaching across to hold her hand in hers. 

"You were?"

"Of course I was, Finally you are starting to know that I'm not interested in Sara, or anyone else for that matter."

"What did she want to talk to you about?" A cold dread settled in her stomach. 

"She wanted to tell me that she wants me to be happy."

"Happy with her." Alex pouted. 

"Nope, just happy and I am happy with you."

"Really she said that?"

"Yep, she did."

"I still don't trust her." Alex sighed. 

"You don't need to, just trust me." (Y/n) flashed her a smile that removed any doubt that had settled within her since she saw her and Sara together. 

"Come on you, let's get back on the road I can't wait to get you all alone." Alex leaned forward slightly her eyes heated with intensity. 

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow into the air. "Hmm, I like the sound of that."

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