Alex sighed, (Y/n) had told her the same thing a million times and every time her insecurities got the better of her and she hated it, hated seeing the sadness in (Y/n)'s eyes when she thought she didn't trust her, hated seeing the woman stumbling for reasons why she had chosen her. 

"You are right."

"See I am sometimes."

"I'm still going over there though."

Sara smiled again, she had wanted to see what could happen with (Y/n) but they hadn't been together long enough for any deep feelings to develop if friendship was all she could offer then she would take it. 

"And you truly are happy?" She asked her again, just to be sure. 

(Y/n) smiled happily. "Yes, I really am."

"I just hope Alex knows how lucky she is."

"She does." The familiar voice behind her spoke, (Y/n) cringed inwardly she didn't want to face another jealous Alex and her posturing for supremacy over her with Sara. 

(Y/n) turned around to face her, she stood way too close. "Hi, Alex I didn't see you come in."

Alex narrowed her eyes at Sara, she still didn't trust her, turning back to (Y/n) she placed a soft kiss on her forehead and smiled. "Kara said you were having a private conversation."

"Err yeah." She said suspiciously. 

"So I didn't want to interrupt you, but I could wait because I missed you." 

(Y/n) felt her heart melt a little, her brown eyes now locked onto (Y/n)'s Sara sensed she was overstaying her welcome, she quietly left leaving the two l=women alone. 

"No chest thumping today I am very impressed." (Y/n) smiled moving closer running her finger up her chest slowly. 

"I wanted to impress you."

"You succeeded."

"Are you looking forward to the weekend, because I really am." Alex smiled. 

"Ladies this is a workplace not a place for your flirting," J'onn said walking past not stopping the linger, he knew two was company and three was a crowd. 

Both women burst out laughing (Y/n) falling into Alex her hands flat on her upper chest, Alex's caught under her cape holding her up so she wouldn't fall down she was laughing so much. 

"I can't wait until it is just you and I." (Y/n) said happily. 

"Hmm, me too."


"I still think we shouldn't leave Kara to deal with these holograms alone." (Y/n) said again for the one-hundredth time. 

"Kara will be fine and she isn't alone she has J'onn, Winn hey even Sara has turned out to be not so annoying," Alex reassured her, in truth she had amazed herself when that afternoon she hadn't ripped the blonde woman to pieces but seeing the look on her girlfriend's face 

"I guess you are right, I am really glad we didn't have to postpone this weekend though."

"Normally I wouldn't leave either but this was important," Alex said softly her eyes straying back from the road for a moment to take in (Y/n)'s sweet face. 

"I would have understood if we had to cancel Alex, I wouldn't have thrown a drama queen fit because we couldn't come now."

"I know but I didn't want to disappoint you and you know this is the first time that we have done something like this it is special."

Ever After (X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora