034: i'm happy, because of you.

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"So you're staying?" Mr. Choi looks at his son as they carry his bags out to the car. Seungcheol nods, not saying much. "Okay. If anything happens, please call me."

"I know Dad. I-I'm not gonna call Mom," Seungcheol nervously laughs as he hauls the luggage into the trunk.

"You're mother's a fool," Mr. Choi sighs. "But aren't we all?" Seungcheol purses his lips together as he nods. "I'll see you in a couple of months, Cheol." The teen nods again and hugs his father, pushing back tears.

"It... was nice staying with you for these couple of months, Dad. It went by a lot faster than I expected..."

"Yeah, nine months isn't that long." Mr. Choi chuckles. "I thought it would take forever when your mother was pregnant with you, but there you were, right before my eyes. And before I knew it, I was even teaching you how to ride a bike." Seungcheol sniffs, and buries his face into his shoulder.

"I felt like I've been so terrible..."

"You've been great, Cheol. Now, I'm gonna hit the road before we both start crying even more." Seungcheol laughs and nods, pulling away from his father. They say their final goodbyes and Mr. Choi gets into his car before driving away.

Sighing and wiping his tears, Seungcheol makes his way back up to the apartment. He opens the door, Jeonghan looking his way.

"How was it?"

Seungcheol takes a deep breath, "Way harder than I thought it'd be." Jeonghan coos and walks to hug his boyfriend. He kisses him and Seungcheol kisses back. "But I'm okay. You're here, and you're all I need."

Jeonghan snorts, "I have no reason not to be. Anyways our anniversay? Choi Seungcheol? You're already a month, two days, twelve hours, and eleven seconds late."

Seungcheol rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry, I've been busy." He kisses Jeonghan's forehead. "What do you wanna do, babe?"

"I honestly just want to go watch the stars with you. Have a little picnic somewhere open, and somewhere we can see the stars."

"Just us?"

"And who would we invite, my prince?" Jeonghan says in a mocking manner, but Seungcheol doesn't take it. The older pulls away to grab the juice box on the island counter.

"Chan and Junhui since we got them together, and Joshua and Mingyu since they've helped me. Especially Mingyu. I would've been homeless if it wasn't for him."

The younger rolls his eyes and scoffs. "You could've lived with me,"

"Please? Let's just invite them? We can tune them out—I just want extra company,"

"Okay, fine." Jeonghan nods. He stands in front of Seungcheol with his arms crossed. "But after that, I'm expecting dinner."

"Fancy?" Seungcheol raises a brow.

"No. I think chicken would be a great late night snack. We're leaving at 10 p.m. once I find a place, Choi Seungcheol." Jeonghan smiles and walks away.

"Whatever you want, princess."


"Ow! Junhui!" Chan groans, as soon as he gets there. Seungcheol turns around and finds Chan holding his neck with Junhui laughing down at him. He turns back around, bringing his attention back to Jeonghan who was pulling him down besides him. Seungcheol smiles widely, taking off his shoes and lying besides him. Jeonghan rests his head on his arm and pulls the blanket up closer, ignoring Chan who was giggling widely and the yelling from Mingyu.

It wasn't exactly how Jeonghan pictured the night to be, but they were under the stars and he was placed perfectly besides the love of his life. It was great, so he didn't really want to complain. Seungcheol felt the same. He honestly didn't even care about the stars and just loved how peaceful the night was, even with the other four being completely annoying. He wouldn't have expect his first anniversary to be like this, but if Jeonghan was content, Seungcheol only felt the same.

The two were happy, content.

And the happier Jeonghan felt, the more he leaned closer to Seungcheol and let his tears fall. Seungcheol heard him sniffling, and looked down at him, only meeting a smiling Jeonghan who was on the verge to being a sobbing mess.

With that, Jeonghan whispered a quiet "I love you, Choi Seungcheol," as he leaned down to kiss the love of his life.

Happily, Seungcheol kisses back. When they both pull away, the older covers his boyfriend in kisses, thanking him and telling him he loves him each time. Both males swear they've never been more thankful for anyone else in their entire life, and it'd probably stay that way. They were completely happy just with each other. Nobody else was exactly needed, so they didn't want to include anyone else. As long as they had each other, they'd be fine. And that's just how it was.

also i hope i die

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