009. maybe i do.

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Junhui's the type of friend that loves drama. He likes knowing what goes on in people's lives so he can use it as blackmail. He loves making people nervous and miserable. Seungcheol was always his number one target. He knows Seungcheol has stuff going on at home, he knows that well. But that's not what he wants. He wants Seungcheol to confess. To admit his feelings for Jeonghan.

But thats very difficult if Seungcheol doesn't even know how he feels about Jeonghan. "We're just friends." He'd usually say, laughing it off. Junhui knows that Seungcheol has thought about it. He doesn't know how but he does.

He figured a little sit down with Seungcheol would help the older figure his shit out. But no, that definitely didn't happen. Seungcheol repeated the same things over and over again and Junhui was going to lose his mind. Why was it so difficult to get your friend to confess?

He had planned to ask Jeonghan about it, but now he knows the boy is head over heels about Joshua. There was no way he's even thought about it.

But maybe Joshua has someone in mind. It's not like he stalks the American to get some dirt on him (or because he kind of likes him), but that's exactly what he does. From following Joshua at a great distance around school, he's noticed that when he isn't with Jeonghan, he's with this giant. Joshua calls him 'Gyu'. From what Junhui has seen, he's noticed that 'Gyu' is a complete idiot. Okay, maybe not an idiot, but extremely clumsy. And theres a chance that 'Gyu' might like Joshua because Junhui has may or may not overheard 'Gyu' talk to someone about Joshua. He may or may not overheard 'Gyu' say "I think I like Shua Hyung." And 'Shua Hyung' may or may not be Joshua. Junhui's heart kind of skipped a beat when he heard it because he also kind of likes Joshua. But he sighs deeply when he remembers the competition he has:

Two amazingly handsome boys who are both tall and probably outgoing. Not that Junhui wasn't tall, he just didn't consider himself outgoing. He collects dirt on people for a living.

Since Junhui swears he's the only goddamn one that actually talks about his feelings, he's asking Seungcheol to froyo again. For once, Jeonghan is with him and wants to join in. Junhui rolls his eyes but lets him join anyways. They try to invite Joshua, but every chance they get, Junhui laughs loudly at almost nothing. So they stop trying.

After strolling around campus for a while, Junhui ends up finding 'Gyu' and he wants some real answers from him. When they pass each other, Junhui intentionally bumps his shoulder.

"Sorry!" The other male explodes and Junhui's eyes widen. It wasn't even his fault. But Junhui apologizes too, and it's followed by "Hey, aren't you the kid usually with Josh?"

When the other's eyes widen, Junhui swears he sees a tail wagging back and forth. "Yeah... Yeah!" He's nodding his head way too much for this but Junhui lets it slide because, wow, he's really adorable and has a nice set of teeth. "Did he say something about me?"

"No, I've just seen you two around campus a lot." Junhui laughs, awkwardly. "I'm Wen Junhui, by the way." He puts his hand out for the taller to grab it.

Which he does and he's still too excited. Junhui still lets it slide because he is very good-looking. "I'm Kim Mingyu!" Wasn't he the kid asking Seungcheol for his game back? Oh well, Junhui really wasn't paying attention.

Junhui nods his head and finally smiles back. After a while he musters up the courage to ask Mingyu what he planned to. "Um, you don't have to answer this, but do you perhaps like Joshua?"

Mingyu turns a bright shade of red and it's the cutest thing Junhui has ever seen. Junhui waits patiently for an answer and when Mingyu's slightly back to his original color, he nods. "Why? D-Do you?"

Junhui thinks for a while. Does he? He sighs and shrugs. "A little, I guess. But my friend Jeonghan is head over heels for him."

Mingyu's expression totally changes. It's like he's a different person now, a total 180 to how he was before and Junhui starts to get a little intimidated. Not that anyone needs to know that. "Well, Junhui, looks like you and your friend have a little competition." He smirks and walks away, leaving Junhui to wonder that the actual fuck just happened.


Junhui waits patiently at the gate for Seungcheol and Jeonghan, thinking about what Mingyu had said earlier. The latter had went from a precious child to 'your daughter calls me daddy, too' and it had completely fucked him up.

After minutes of waiting, Seungcheol and Jeonghan finally pops up, Jeonghan laughing loudly at who knows what. The three greet each other before walking to their destination. They get there in a few minutes, get what they want, pay, and find somewhere to sit down. With Seungcheol and Jeonghan across from Junhui, the Chinese squints as them both. Seungcheol knows exactly what was going to be asked.

"Look, Junhui. Maybe I do and maybe I don't. Just let it go." He sighs, swatting his hand.

Junhui huffs as a reply, picking up the wafer and taking a bite. "But you know, Cheol, maybe I won't. I mean, you're great at hiding stuff but you should just get your shit together." Jeonghan stares at the two in confusion. Seungcheol just sighs and buries his face into his hands. Junhui really just does whatever he wants. "Just... next time, okay?" Junhui squints at him and leans back into his chair.

"Well, I mean fine. But guess what?" Jeonghan and Seungcheol groan. "You, Yoon Jeonghan, have a competition."

Jeonghan's suddenly so interested and starts to lean over the table. "You like Joshua?" Seungcheol and Junhui choke.

"No, but you know that Mingyu kid?" Seungcheol's eyes widen. "Kim Mingyu?" Junhui nods. Now, its Jeonghan's turn to choke. Mingyu is a competition.  A big one, too. He can get anyone he wants and he knows how much Joshua has been hanging out with him since the first time they talked. Jeonghan sighs and sinks into his seat.

"He's definitely gonna win over Josh," Jeonghan groans. Seungcheol's trying to hide a smile but Junhui notices it. "It'll be okay, you have me." Seungcheol says, wrapping an arm around Jeonghan. Junhui rolls his eyes and sighs loudly

meanie? what's that?

uh all of thse are pre written btw and kike i said i enjoy hairband its fun ti write because just,, writing junhui and minshua is just si much fun ?? SHITNKDKSKEJEJ sooiked it s bit jn skrry?? anyways in really thanks fuk for u guys that have been tying to oulk my head out of ny ass and stuff ive bene wanting to eat my door and slam ny head into bricks these oast few months and ive been contemplating suicide forba LONG time i really want to continue writing i do wan tto take breakd but its so HARD because inkove doing this and i love reading your comments bc i kove you guys and sjsjsj fuck my dude thabj yih do much i'll take a break or smthn cone back when i alm okay and stufd even thiugh i wont tealky be becaudr reasons tahbjnu so much in sorry for being suchba depressing fukck

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