015. tekken's great (so are you).

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"It's definitely okay for best friends to kiss!" God, it's way too early to hear Junhui's voice, but Seungcheol just needed some advice. He just wished he hadn't asked someone that was sleep deprived and hasn't been in a relationship since the dinosaurs went extinct. "Right, HaoHao?" Junhui laughs. He wraps his arm around Minghao. The other Chinese male shrugs, picking up his fork to get a piece of the cake.

Seungcheol bites his bottom lip, and looks at the male walking back from the bathroom. When he sees Jeonghan look back at him, he smiles. Jeonghan returns one too. "What'd I miss?" Junhui opens his mouth and Seungcheol kicks him under the table. Junhui smiles through the pain and just shrugs.

Jeonghan sighs and the four just sit in silence. Junhui lifts his hand to grab a macaron and props his elbow up on the table. He was about to open his mouth to say something but Seungcheol reaches over to snatch the macaron out his hand. Then, he shoves it into Junhui's mouth. When Seungcheol sits back down, Junhui kicks him under the table.

"Are you guys like five or something?" Minghao asks. There's no accent at all and Junhui almost chokes. "What?"

"You said that so clearly. And out of nowhere." Minghao shrugs.


When the four finish, they go separate ways. Minghao and Junhui walking back to Junhui's house, and Seungcheol and Jeonghan wander to find a source of entertainment. After walking for nearly half an hour, Seungcheol pulls Jeonghan into an arcade.

The former's eyes lights up when he sees his favorite game: Tekken.

If Jeonghan had to be honest, Seungcheol's obsession for Street Fighter and Tekken were pretty unhealthy. Back in middle school, he'd play it like crazy and spend his whole allowance on every game. It was annoying when Jeonghan would go over to his house to do some homework and Seungcheol would be sitting in front of his TV. He was thankful that he stopped but now that they were standing in an arcade where that game is sure to pop up, he just wants to tie Seungcheol down.

It didn't help that Seungcheol forces him to play either.

"Come on, Hannie!" Seungcheol whines, pulling at his best friend's hand. "Let's get to it before some rats do!" Jeonghan sighs but complies, letting the older pull him towards the game.

At least this one had chairs because he swore if he had to stand up for hours, he was going to throw Seungcheol across the room.

The game was the most recent one, Tekken 7. It was against the wall next to Street Fighter and some other games Jeonghan couldn't recognize. Literally the only games Jeonghan has ever played were Animal Crossing, Pokémon, and MapleStory. And he only played them occasionally. But now, he's being forced back into playing Tekken with Seungcheol and if they play Street Fighter next, Jeonghan was surely going to lose his shit.

Now, it was obvious Seungcheol's favorite character was Lili; he knew all her combos like the back of his hand. But he denied it. Always.

"Um, no. Lili is not my favorite character, shut up, Jeonghan." And Jeonghan would always roll his eyes.

As the game starts, Seungcheol only gets more and more excited. The teen was practically jumping in his seat. When they got to the character selection, Seungcheol immediately chose Lili. "Not your favorite character my ass," Jeonghan scoffs. Seungcheol smiles at his best friend and Jeonghan tries to not smile back. But he does. And he hates himself.

Jeonghan spends a long time choosing a character. A very long time. Seungcheol's starting to get very impatient and so he starts shaking his friend. "Hurry, Hannie!" He's whining and Jeonghan chooses a random character.

Fortunately, it's someone he knows how to play: Ling Xiaoyu. But he squints because she's his least favorite character.

As expected, Seungcheol beats Jeonghan easily. Jeonghan put all his efforts in it, too. But no one can beat Seungcheol. He would've gone into a championship if Jeonghan wasn't so whiny.

They play a few more rounds, Seungcheol letting Jeonghan beat him a couple times because he likes seeing Jeonghan cheer happily. And he likes being nice (not because he likes him). Its been nearly an hour and Jeonghan hears snickering behind him. He turns around and sees Mingyu right behind him.

"You suck," he laughs and Jeonghan jabs his side. "Ow!" Joshua shakes his head.

"Actually," Seungcheol turns around again. "Jeonghan does not suck. Unlike most people he can keep up with me,"

"Think you're that good, Seungcheol?" Joshua asks and Seungcheol smirks. The eldest of the four nod and Joshua signals Jeonghan to move over.

This time, Seungcheol doesn't choose Lili. He chooses Yoshimitsu. Joshua chooses Jin. Basic. Jeonghan rolls his eyes. Mingyu's bitting his lip, a little nervous. He's actually played against Seungcheol once and he almost cried because of the ratio: 23:4.

The last round lasts a while. Surprisingly, Joshua's keeping up with Seungcheol, hitting a few combos at him. But Seungcheol's the master at Tekken, so he beats Joshua easily. Joshua looks at the male besides him stunned. "Dude, I was like the best in my whole entire school back in America."

"Well, this ain't America, sucka!" Seungcheol cheers in English, letting the a in "sucka" hang (a/n: /i didnt know what to say leave me alone/suckaaaa). Joshua smiles and the two do a little bro hug. "I admit my defeat; it's your turn, Gyu." He stands up and gestures for Mingyu to sit down.

"I know I'm gonna lose, Shua..." He mumbles but the older just smiles and kisses his nose. Jeonghan flinches, biting his inner cheek and goes to stand behind Seungcheol. He still isn't used to Joshua and Mingyu.

With a groan, Mingyu sits down and Seungcheol pats his back. "I'll go easy on you, Gyu." In reply, Mingyu mouths a thank you. Seungcheol finally realizes that he's ran out of tokens so he asks Jeonghan to hand him a few. The younger does and Seungcheol slips them in. Mingyu's bitting his lip, and from besides him, Joshua's laughing. "Calm down, baby. It's okay if you lose; it's not a real fight." Joshua puts his hand on his shoulder and places a soft kiss on his lips. Mingyu smiles; Jeonghan tries to ignore it.

The character selection screen comes on, and Mingyu takes a deep breath. He chooses Ling Xiaoyu (his best character), and Seungcheol chooses Lili.

"You're such a liar," Mingyu groans and Seungcheol laughs.

"Just calm down, man."

The game starts and Mingyu's not terrible like Jeonghan thought. He was actually better than most people he's seen as he got a lot of attacks on Seungcheol. But then he looks at Seungcheol he realizes he's going easy. So Mingyu does suck. He's really trying to hide his laugh.

The game ends with Mingyu winning and Seungcheol laughs. But he doesn't let Mingyu slip away because rematches are fun. This time, he completely dominates Mingyu. Joshua just laughs, patting his boyfriend on the back. "Let's go get some ice cream," Mingyu smiles and Joshua smiles back. The duo say bye to the other two and leave.

Jeonghan looks at his best friend, his inner cheek hurting because of all the bitting he's done. "You wanna go for ice cream?" Seungcheol asks, turned around on the chair. His head his tilted to the side a little and he has that same cute smile on his face. It makes Jeonghan's heart skip a beat. With the same organ beating fast, he smiles back.



that last sentence before the sure sounded weird ew

but tbh im surprised any of you take the time to learn my name

and i'm thankful for mae for buying me coming to you live i love this ep with all my hearTTTTTT support by boy dabin hong and buy coming to you live by dpr live on itunes

i havent been writing the latest chapter because its the last week of school and i have shit to do aka mope in my feelings and cry about everything

um so i prob wont ever see that cute sophomore that was in my pe period and prob will never get a chance to talk to darien again :)) i doNT KNOW WHY JIS BOTCH ASS HAD TO SWITCH OUT OF PE IM SO M A D MY M AN

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