007. i'm not jealous.

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Now that Jeonghan's told Seungcheol he likes Joshua, he's felt more comfortable about talking about him to Seungcheol. Often, at nearly four in the morning, Seungcheol's phone goes off because Jeonghan has texted him. And usually it was always about Joshua. He really tried not to get annoyed, but he couldn't help it. He never asked Jeonghan to stop though. He didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Jeonghan was talking to Joshua a lot more, too. Seungcheol tried not to get jealous, but he couldn't really help it. He felt like his best friend was forgetting all they've done and Seungcheol really didn't like that. As much as he wanted Jeonghan all to himself, he didn't really say anything and continued to smile at the two as if nothing was wrong. Though Seungcheol was amazing at hiding how he really felt, Junhui saw right through him. He's thought about bringing it up to him but he doesn't know if he should interfere. He kind of just watches Seungcheol silently as the the elder takes deep breaths to calm him down. Which was almost too often for it to be normal.

Seungcheol knows that Jeonghan wouldn't have forgotten their special friendship, he couldn't. Even though sometimes Jeonghan was inconsiderate, he still cares very much for his best friend. No matter how little he shows it. But lately, he has been spending a lot of time with Joshua, not even caring about the other two. Sure he'd still talk to them but almost too often it was Joshua this, and Joshua that. Junhui found it entirely disgusting and Seungcheol just tried to swallow his own feelings and let his friend rant away. Because that's what real friends are for. You're not supposed to bring someone down when they're talking about something or someone they're extremely passionate about. Not that he's ever had that happen to him or anything.

Junhui was honestly starting to get annoyed of almost everything Jeonghan says about Joshua so whenever he sees the two he just squints and puts in his earbuds. He's told Jeonghan to stop many times but Jeonghan could careless about what Junhui wants to hear and what he doesn't. So the long haired male just sticks his tongue out at the Chinese as he continues.

All three boys, however, can't even tell if Joshua likes him back or not. Sometimes, the American boy treats Jeonghan better than everyone else but at the same time, he treats him the same. It sends Jeonghan's mix signals and it sometimes leaves him bummed out for the rest of the day. But whenever he's sad, Seungcheol is always there to cheer Jeonghan up. And it either works or it doesn't. When it doesn't, Seungcheol just doesn't give up.


"Dude, it's obvious you're jealous of Joshua." Junhui states and Seungcheol looks up from his frozen yogurt. He chuckles and points at himself, spoon still in hand. "Me?" Junhui nods.

"Why would I be jealous?"

The Chinese rolls his eyes at the dumb question. Before replying, he scoops out some of his froyo onto his spoon. "I mean your best friend is practically replacing you because of this huge crush."

Seungcheol laughs loudly, head thrown back and Junhui rolls his eyes so far back he swears they might be stuck there. Luckily, they aren't and Seungcheol stops laughing. The Korean takes a deep breath. "He's not replacing me... He just... really likes Joshua. I mean he is a gentlemanー"

"Oh shut up, I hear it enough from Jeonghan." Junhui adjusts himself on the chair, shoving another spoonful of the green tea flavored yogurt into his mouth. "Don't sympathize with Jeonghan either. Stop sucking up to him and if you don't like him talking about Joshua, tell him. He may not stop for me, but I'm sure for you, he'll try to stop the whole world."

Seungcheol chuckles and scratches the back of his head. "Actually, I'd be the one trying to stop the world. And yeah, you're right. But you have to know that I want Jeonghan to feel comfortable with telling me anything he wants to. If he wants to ramble about how he's so many levels behind Seungjun in MapleStory, he can. If he wants to ramble about how sleep is a blessing from the lord himself, he can. If he wants to ramble about how much he loves Joshua, he can." He shrugs and the male sitting across from him lets out a sigh that could be heard from the other side of the froyo shop even through the slightly loud music and chattering of people.

Junhui clicks his tongue as he props his arms onto the table and presses his fingers against his temples. "God, sometimes I think you're in love with the guy."

Seungcheol nearly chokes on his strawberry. Did Junhui really just say that? Or is he imagining things? Because there was no way in hell Junhui had a reason to think Seungcheol was in love with his best friend. When he looks back up at the Chinese male, an eyebrow is raised. Quickly, Junhui's expression goes from confusion to a playful smirk. Seungcheol wants to smack it right off his pretty face.

"So you do?" Seungcheol chokes again.

"What do I look like, Wen Junhui?" He coughs and Junhui laughs, clenching onto his stomach as he slaps his knee.

"I mean, have you seen the way you look at him? All lovey dovey like you want him to know how special he is!" He doesn't stop laughing and Seungcheol feels like he could just die and everything will be okay. "Dude, its okay if you like him. Its perfectly normal falling for your best friend. Just thought you'd never be gay, actually yeah I have. Just for Jeonghan, though."

Seungcheol can't believes his ears so he just huffs and finishes his frozen yogurt, Junhui still smirking at his friend. He can't believe he's managed to make Seungcheol blush so many times in less than an hour.

i want to die

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