One Month Later

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Four grueling weeks of torture that’s what followed after that horrific day. Ever since Zack was murdered, life went downhill. Jace wouldn’t speak to anyone, including me. He locked himself in his office, refusing to open up for me or anyone unless it was a true emergency. Even Alia couldn’t talk to him. I was worried for the safety of the pack and for Jace. This wasn’t normal for anyone. I know he lost his best friend, but so did I. I knew that a part of Jace died that day along with Zack.  

            I needed Jace right now, but he wouldn’t even talk to me, let alone look at me. We could be there for each other, but I did understand that he wanted to be alone and grieve over his best friend. I know he had a relationship that couldn’t compare to what I had with Zack. All I wanted was for things to go back to normal and for my loving husband to come back. Zack wouldn’t want us to be like this. The pack house was always dead silent; no one talked above a whisper. It was depressing to be in.

            What worried me was Jason, who I knew nothing about. Jace wouldn’t say who he was or what the note meant. I figured that we were in danger and that Jason wasn’t someone to mess with. I remember Jace’s reaction to reading the note and what followed afterwards.

            Jace ripped the note from my hands, as he wiped away his tears. My mind was still thinking over what words. Who had been watching us and why was he after Jace? I knew he had many enemies, but to be able to kill the Beta of a pack and send a note in the territory was risky. I watched as Jace’s dreary, blue eyes read the note over and over again, each time the color in his eyes faded. He growled, tearing the note in half, throwing it to the ground as he ran out the front door, shifting and taking off into the woods.

            I knelt down next to Zack, holding his cold, motionless hand in mine. I started to whisper how much I loved and missed him. I told him that I would stay strong for him and try to help Jace through this. I made sure that Zack knew he was loved and would never be forgotten. I continued to cry even after the pack doctor came and collected his body. There was no one here for me, like Zack was. Jace was still gone and I’ve never felt so alone before.

            After hours and hours of waiting and crying, Jace returned to the house. I had told myself that I wouldn’t go to bed until I knew he was safe and at home. As soon as he walked through the door, I knew he wasn’t the same Jace I knew before. He was covered in sweat and tears, he was only wearing a pair of shorts. His face was unreadable, because there was nothing to read.

            “Jace, we’ll get through this.” I muttered, as I walked over to hug him, but he pushed me away and stomped up to his office, slamming the door, and locking it. I found myself standing at it, pleading for him to open but he ignored me, breaking my heart even more. This was probably one of the worst days of my life. Jace had never treated me like this before. I was sobbing loudly as I went to our bedroom, hoping Jace would come sooner or later. But he never came.

            Right now, I was sitting in my bedroom, trying not to think about the horrible life I was living. I thought once I was away from Dillon and Cadellan, that everything would be fine, but it wasn’t. I laid on the bed, watching TV, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how my mate hated me. My wolf has been crying nonstop because she wants me to comfort him, but I’ve tried and he just shut me out.

            “Oh my God, you and Jace both need to stop this shit. It’s been a month already.” Alia shouted as she busted through the bedroom door, glaring at me.

            “I don’t know what you want me to do. He’s made it clear that he wants to be alone.” I replied, not making eye contact with her.

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