Chapter 19

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Peyton POV
We made it to STARR labs. I jumped off the bike and walked inside. Destruction was everywhere. Buildings were missing chunks, the streets were littered with debris. Oliver quickly got off the bike and grabbed the keys before we ran inside. I pulled my helmet off and tucked it under my arm.
"Helmet, don't want you to scare Barry too bad." I say snickering. He pulls it off and passes it to me. We walked into the cortex where Cisco was talking with Caitlin.
"Hey, Oliver, Peyton. What are you doing here?" Cisco asked I set the helmets down on the desk next to him. And just looked at him.
"How's Barry?" Oliver asks not really answering Cisco's questions.
"He's unconscious but stable at the moment."
"Where is he?"
"Room 42." Caitlin says. Oliver takes off to find his fiancée.
"What's up with him?"
"No idea. We kinda just got voted by the group to come see how you guys are doing since Barry and I are really close. He's also close to Barry and he drove me since I can't drive." I say keeping the secret that Barry is engaged to Oliver.
"Did you know that Barry is engaged to someone?" I do my best to look surprised. "Wait, is that why Oliver is here? Are they dating each other?" Cisco figures out.
"How do you know that Barry's engaged?" I ask
"We took his suit off and he has a chain with a ring on it. I think I saw a flash of green." He explains. Caitlin just looks at me.
"So are they engaged?" She asks looking at a ring on her finger.
"Yeah. I'm the only one who knows, well our team figured it out. And now you. They wanted to keep it private. I knew because I live with them."
"Why do you live with them?" Caitlin asked.
"Oh, yeah, Oliver is my dad." I shrug.

"Wait, how did we not know this?" Cisco asked.

"We don't like to tell people because then they tend to treat both of us different. They realize that he's a dad and my dad is Oliver Queen." I explain.
Iris came into the room with Eddie.

"Hey, Peyton. What about Oliver Queen?" Iris asked me. I sighed before explaining that Oliver was my dad. Joe came into the room just as I started the explanation.

"So, you know?" Joe asked looking at me.

"Yeah. I was the only one they told or knew the whole time they were dating. The rest of our team knows by figuring it out but besides that no one else knows." I say. We ended up talking for several hours, Cisco getting food and we ate. We saved some for Oliver and Barry. I grabbed the bag of food and walked down to Barry's room.

"Hey Peyton." Barry said greeting me.

"Hello, I bring food for you to scarf down in like 3 seconds flat." I say tossing a burger to Oliver before dropping the remaining food onto the bed next to Barry.

"You are a goddess." Barry thanks me before dropping Oliver's hand to eat the food in the bag. Oliver chuckled and ate his burger.

"So they know that you are engaged and that he is my dad." I point to Oliver sitting next to me.

"We figured. We need to tell them ourselves before they all kill us."

"I have a feeling that will happen anyways." Barry thought after setting down the empty bag. "Ollie, can I talk to Peyton for a minute?" Barry spoke after a moment of silence.

"Yeah, of course." Oliver stood up gave a kiss to Barry before leaving.

"So what's up?" I ask the brown haired guy.

"um-ah-ar-are you okay with me getting married to your dad?" He ask looking down as his hands played with the blanket covering his legs.

"That's what your suddenly worried about? Barry of course I am. You are like 50 million times better than my last step-dad."

"Last step-dad?" He asks.

"Uh, my mom's husband. Real asshole." I say looking at him.

"So you are okay with this?" I nodded. He sat up a little more and eventually moved to standing. We walked out and found Oliver standing with his back against the wall.

"Everything okay?" Oliver wrapped one arm around Barry's waist and the other around my shoulders.

"Yep." I say kissing his cheek.

"We should go face our death." Barry jokes. We walk down the hall back into the cortex. It almost felt completely natural to be a family with Oliver and Barry. "Let me introduce you to Oliver Queen, my fiancé." Barry reintroduces to Team Flash.

A few days later we go back to Star. Barry and Olive being ambushed by Thea, Felicity and Iris about wedding plans. Soon the loft was covered in wedding magazines with color pallets and other plans.

Barry flopped down next to me groaning.
"What is your problem?" I ask looking over at the CSI.
"Well, I have my day job, my night job, plus planning for the wedding. I am just exhausted. And we are looking for a house here in Star." He adds after a moment of thought.
"How about you focus on you day and night jobs and looking for a house with Oliver. I will plan the wedding and ask you little bits of yes or no questions." I compromise.
"Okay, so you haven't picked a date? Why not at the end of the summer?" He nods. "Okay so we have a few months. Let's keep it small, our families and our teams, a few others maybe." I say he nods again.
"How are you so good at this?" Barry questioned me.
"No idea." I shrug looking at him.

"Barry!" Oliver coming into the room looking very excited. "I found the perfect house." He sits in the seat next to Barry. "It's absolutely perfect." He kisses Barry. I had never seen Oliver more happy besides the day after he proposed to Barry only a few weeks ago.
"Where? What?" Barry looked at his fiancé. I cocked my head to look at my dad.
"Here in Star, it's secluded, with a lot of land for Peyton to do whatever it is that she does. There are enough rooms, a basement, attic..." he trailed off.
"Can we see it?" I ask him.
"We are going tomorrow after you're done with school." Oliver says .he kisses Barry again before kissing my head. "And I thought you had choir today?"
"Canceled, Mr. Lefeber was sick and let us have the day off." I explain. I turn back to my Algebra homework. "Oh, I'm your new wedding planner taking over for Barry." I say finishing my question on the paper.
"Barry felt overwhelmed and I will take up some of the decisions. Planning and such." I explain not letting the speedster talk.
"I can talk, annoying little child." He complained.
"Me the small annoying child, are you sure you aren't talking about yourself?" I question him.
"Both of you behave." Oliver pulled Barry onto his lap separating the two of us. "You are worse than me and Thea when we argue."
"Your fault for proposing to a child." I say shutting my Algebra book.
"Peyton." His voice is now in a warning tone. "Be nice to him." Oliver looks at me before kissing Barry again. The kiss turned into a make out session.
"PDA." I scream making them separate.
"Stop screaming." Barry says.
"Dad, make us food." I say. Barry nods and looks at his lover.
"I agree. Oliver go make us some food."
"Demanding the two of you."
"We aren't arguing. Stop complaining you." I explain.
"Fine, don't kill each other before I finish." He kisses both of our heads and passes the remote to Barry.
The next day I collapsed into a heap on the Choir room floor during study hall and just laid there.
"Peyton!" Saph, asked running over. We had Glee practice so everyone was in the room.
"I'm fine, just now a little overwhelmed." I say.
"You sure, you're okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, we also have a possible performance at the end of the summer."
"Wait what?" Jamie asks, his head popping up from the sheet music in his hands.
"Yeah, not going to tell you what it is yet until we have more solid plans but like end of August before school starts again." I stand and move to my spot before we start practice.

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