Chapter 6

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It was several minutes after I heard Oliver's friend yell before they showed up in my room. Oliver knocked and and let him in.

"I am surprised to ever meet Ollie's offspring. Didn't think that Ollie would ever have kids." I smiled at that.

"Well, we need to inform Laurel and Diggles of her existence before they come here and faint." Oliver said laughing. I grabbed my purse that contained my phone, some money, a small sketchbook and pencils with my tablet. Oliver and Tommy lead me through a maze of halls and to a garage. Oliver grabbed a set of keys and walked over to a Jeep. It was red in color and had four doors. I pulled open one of the back ones and climbed in, Tommy took the passenger seat and Oliver got in the driver's seat.

25 minutes later we pulled into a parking lot. I opened my door and got out following Tommy and my father. Inside they walked up to a brunette woman who was talking with a girl that had dark skin and curly black hair.
"Laurel." Tommy said walking up to her and giving her a kiss.
"Tommy I'm at work." She said complaining slightly. "Hello Oliver." She said noticing the taller man.
"Hey Laurel." Oliver says greeting the girl.
"So what are you doing here?" She asked still not noticing me standing next to but almost behind Oliver.
"Um, I wanted to introduce you to someone." He says sneaking his arm behind his back and gently pulling me forward. My purse was slung up on my shoulder. I was tapping the plaster on my arm. That made it hurt but my arm itched from the cast. "I would like you to meet Peyton Morgan. Peyton this is Laurel Lance, Tommy's girlfriend and one of my friends. Laurel this is Peyton my daughter." He says.
When the words came out of his mouth her face was one of surprise and shock.
"Wait, you have a daughter?" She asked looking between the two of us looking for a connection.
"Yea." He says his hand resting in my shoulder.
"Why didn't you tell us earlier?" She says crossing her arms across her chest.
"I just found out yesterday."
"My mom and stepdad died in a car crash last week. They died in the crash and I needed to have someone to take care of me. They found my birth certificate and his name was on there. They even ran a DNA test with some of the blood from when he came back with mine." I said.

"Wow." Laurel said. Oliver and I moved away from them while they talked. Laurel and Tommy walked back over and Laurel and my father started to talk after a moment my legs became tired and my stitches hurt. Oliver took immediate notice.

"Peyton, why don't you and Tommy go to the car I just need to tell Laurel a few other things." He told us, looking at me for a moment. I look at him for a minute then turned and followed Tommy back to the car. Once we were in the car Tommy tried to get me to talk about things but I ignored him not wanting to talk. I pulled out my book and began to read. Tommy kept talking and attempting to get my attention.

As his voice raised my anxiety raised. Soon I couldn't focus on my book but tried to focus on hiding my panic attack. The plastered arm started to shake I put my hand under my leg in an attempt to calm my arm so Tommy wouldn't notice. I couldn't calm my breathing and opened the door and quickly got out. I couldn't focus, I squatted down and wrapped my knees around my and rocked back and forth on the parking lot. A car door slammed and I felt a large presence next to me asking me questions. The figure was almost the same height as my former step-dad. Tears streamed down my face and made my vision blurry.

A new figure came running over. A familiar hand was on my back that rubbed up and down. I recognized it to being Olivers hand. I felt another hand turn my head and a thumb wipe away the tears. I matched my breathing to the strokes on my back. I could finally breath for several minutes when I looked up and matched my blue eyes with my father's. Once he saw that I was better he pulled me into the first hug that I had ever shared with him. My tears dried against his shirt.

"Peyton, you okay?"

"Yea." I said nodding breathing out a large breath.

"What happened?"

"He reminded me of Jeremy. They have the same hair and the same build." I whispered keeping my head against his chest.

"You're okay. Trust me Tommy can be immature but he isn't like Jeremy." he paused for several moments before continuing. "I have one other person i want you to meet, would you be okay with meeting him today or should we take you home."

I pull away and shake my head. "I'm okay. I just got overwhelmed."


When I came out of the building onto the parking garage level that I had parked the car on, I saw Peyton on the ground her arms around her chest. I sprinted to her side. Tommy looked clueless with his hands weaved into his hair.

I kneeled by her and gently placed my hand on her back rubbing it up and down in a rhythm. It took several minutes but she calmed down with every passing moment. Soon she regained her calmness and turned her head towards me, the shades of blue matching mine.

I saw that she was okay and pulled her close to my chest and wrapped my arms around her. after a few moments she wrapped her arm around me. I felt her tears dry on my shirt but I kept her there.

"Peyton, you okay?" I asked her head still resting against my chest.

"Yea," she let out a large breath.

"What happened?" I asked extremely worried.

"He reminded me of Jeremy. They have the same hair and build." She whispered still shaking.

"You're okay. Trust me Tommy can be immature but he isn't like Jeremy." I paused before continuing gathering my next thoughts. "I have one other person I want you to meet, would you be okay with meeting him today or should we take you home?"

"I'm okay. I just got overwhelmed." She pulled her head off my chest.

"Are you sure? This is the second time today." I replied with the same amount of quietness that she had given to me.

"It's a new situation with new people. Really scary at sometimes new people but new just the same." My arms unwrapped themselves from her body. She had stopped shaking.

"Okay." I didn't want to push her too far so she would have more panic attacks. I helped her get back into the car. Tommy's head was still between his hands and leaning against the frontof the car.

"Shit. Man Ollie, I'm sorry-I don't know what happened. One minute she was reading and I was talking the next minute she's out of the car shaking an-and-" Tommy said almost shaking.

"Tommy it's fine. You didn't do anything. Chill out, Peyton has already had a panic attack today. Things are just moving really fast for her. Her mom and stepdad died 4 days ago in a car crash that left her severely injured. Yesterday she just met her biological father who is a billionaire." My best friend sighed and his hands lowered slightly.

"I don't know, I just feel responsible for everything that happened." Tommy said his arms went closer to his sides but his face looked downwards.

"Tommy it's not your fault. You have the same height and hair and build to her former stepdad. It just brought back memories." I said averting the truth as little as possible. "Just get in the car we are meeting John in 20 minutes across town at the diner." I said giving him a light shove towards the car.

I walked around the car to the driver's side and slid into the seat. The car ride over was quiet except for the flipping of Peyton's book

We pulled into a parking lot behind the diner. I turned the engine off and got out of the car, leading the way inside the diner. Tommy was farther behind while Peyton was walking right behind me. Inside the diner I went towards our usual booth that we would it at.

"Oliver, what did you need to talk with me about?" Diggs sat in the booth as I placed my hand on the table to sit.

"Diggs I would like you to meet someone." I said sitting down and sliding far enough over for Peyton to sit next to me.

"Hey Diggs." Tommy said sliding in next to him as there was no other room on my side of the booth.

"Tommy and someone new."

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