Chapter One

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New Story because my finals are going on *facepalm*. Anyhoooo, please give it a read and let me know what you think x

Hermione watched the first years with a lump in her throat. So innocent, so pure. She could see herself, Harry, Ron, and Neville, and so many other people among them. She could see Fred among the group of students laughing at something one of them had said. She could see Professor Snape sneering from his seat at the table. And sometimes, she could even see Lavender giggling next to Parvati.

This was a daily occurrence. She had come back to Hogwarts to complete her seventh year, and so had many others. Luna, Ginny, Padma, Neville- most of them. What had shocked her the most was the return of Draco Malfoy. But it was like he didn't even exist. No students acknowledged him, probably due to the aura he had around him. She hadn't heard him speak. Not even once. He came to classes, took down notes, and left. The professors never bothered him with any questions, and neither did he.

Yes, she had watched him quite closely over the first week, but now she didn't, not because she didn't want to- because she loved studying, but because he seemed to be noticing. He would shift under her gaze until she'd turn her head around, and then she'd feel goosebumps erect on the nape of her neck, because that's how intense his stare would be.

And so she had stopped.

Right now as she's walking towards the great hall, she skids to a halt right at the entrance when someone else walks up at the same time. She looks up and finds the most startling grey eyes looking at her through an invisible wall. Like always, she thinks.

Malfoy clenches his jaw, and gives her the barest of nods. She nods back and steps into the great hall, her back stiff. She can tell he's watching her. And she hates it when he does.

"Good Morning, children" Professor McGonagall begins to speak.

"Today, I'm very pleased to say that we have completed three weeks of this term without a single student having to serve any kind of detention.

I'm very proud of you all. Each and every one of you.

In the last meeting of Magical Congregation, the French Minister came up with the idea of leading our students towards normalcy, and eradicating fear. The idea was put forward due to the fact that in the last Tri wizards tournament, an unforgettable, and unfortunate event took place. An event that spikes fear in our hearts.

So to defeat fear and it's likes, the Ministries have come up with the idea of a Tri Wizards Cup this year."

Several goblets could be heard slipping, and muttering ensued in the great hall.


Once everybody was quiet again, she continued,

"First of all, six witches or wizards will be chosen today, at the very moment from our Seventh Year students. Those six will compete with each other, and finally a trio will be chosen. Three finalists from Hogwarts will be chosen for this tournament. "

"Those three will be known as the Hogwarts Trio, and will compete with the Dumstrang Trio and the Beauxbatons Trio. The winning Trio will be given special rewards from their school.

There is no criteria for the choosing- Mr. Finch-Fletchy, please place your goblet on the table."

Hermione sees Justin lower his goblet to the table, his face showing the panic he was feeling.

" Participants will be chosen after dinner. Dive in" McGonagall snapped her fingers and the dishes appeared.

Hermione saw Ron sitting across from her, munching on a drumstick. She let out a sigh.

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