"I'd be thrilled, Cassandra

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"I'd be thrilled, Cassandra." She grinned at the blonde. Cassandra pulled a tight lipped smile, nodded and walked away.

"First Prima practise is now." Talia's eyes widened at the girls' comment and was sent into a state of panic. She picked up her crutches, throwing her lunch away and tried to get to the dance hall as quick as possible.

When she arrived, the Prima's had already started dancing, the two new recruits standing on the side lines. Talia sent a smile to both of them before sitting on the bench and watching the rest of the dance, "Take five everyone. Amy, Carly, stand with me." Cassandra ordered when they'd finished taking the two girls to the side.

"Hey." Talia heard from beside her. She jumped when she heard the voice, not expecting it, "Talia, right?" She turned to face the voice and her breath caught in her throat. It was the blonde guy... Talia couldn't find her voice so she just nodded, "I'm Beckett." He held his hand out for her to shake.

In a state of panic, Talia found herself slapping it lightly.

*She closed her eyes, a grimace on her face, "I just high-fived him."*

"Talia! I need your help on this!" Cassandra called her away.

"Oh, thank god." Talia let out under her breath and stood up quickly, crutching her way over to Cassandra.

The blonde girl pulled a face when she made it over, "Try not to distract my dancers during rehearsal, please. In your own time, go for it." Talia blushed but before she could defend herself, Cassandra cut her off, "I feel like the transition from the jêtê section to the part when I do the turns in the middle isn't quite flowing for the other dancers. I need something, you know, strong."

Talia nodded, "Well, you could do a split leap circle..." 

As Talia explained to Cassandra what she thought of, Beckett stood at the side completely ignoring whatever Carly was talking about. He appeared to be looking in the mirror to correct his movement, but in reality he was using it to take sneaking glances at the brunette on crutches.

The funishment had begun again, Carly and Vanessa wheeling the cart while Talia wheeled next to it, "I'm just leading with kindness."

Vanessa looked confused, "And evil danced dictator is okay with that?" She limped over to the other side of the cart as Talia started to take do the clothes, sipping on her juice.

"If Cassie found out I was helping them, she'd snap a tendon." Talia nearly choked.

*"CASSIE?!" She stared wide eyed at the camera.*

Talia wheeled away, watching as new prima Mindy made her way up to Carly. She wheeled to the end of where the clothes were hanging and started to take them down, placing the on her lap.

"Hey Tee." Spencer walked up to her, Beckett and Noah behind him.

She smiled at her brother, ignoring the two behind him, "Hey Spence. What time are we going out?"

*Talia smiled, "On a Thursday Spence and I always go out for milkshakes at Benny's. It's our thing."*

"The usual time." He informed her, "Hey, Beckett, you should come for milkshakes with us."

*Talia's smile dropped, "Maybe it's not our thing."*

*Spencer smiled slyly to the camera, "I ship it."*

Beckett nodded, "Sure thing, man."

"Thanks for the invite, but I have plans." Noah sarcastically spoke, "But seriously, I do have plans."

*"THANKS A LOT NOAH!" Talia practically screamed.*

Spencer and Noah walk away, Beckett hanging back for a second, "See ya tonight, Tally." HE walked away, leaving her gobsmacked.

*"TALLY?! Who the hell is Tally?!"*

"Bye Beck." She tried to come across of mocking but ended up cringing at herself, "Dear baby Jesus in a Manger, I need help." Talia turned to her two friends as saw they weren't doing any work anymore, "Hey! Bert and Ernie! I ain't doing all the work!"

Having to set more clothes out to dry and bringing them back in was exhausting. Well, not really, just boring. And Talia was bloody bored.

"What you sippin' on that got you talking crazy? Lookin' at me sideways, always coming at me." She softly sang to herself in her wheelchair as Vee and Cee had yet another DMC.

She stopped irruptly when Beckett made his way over, "Here's your juice." He passed Carly the green bottle and she slowly sipped it.

"Close, but not quite there." She told him, passing it back to the boy. Noticing the confused looks on Vee's and Tee's face she claimed, "I'll explain later."

"Carly!" Cassandra called the blonde away, Vanessa spotting Spencer and going over to talk to him.

Talia didn't waste anytime, grabbing the green bottle back from the boy and sipping it. She brought it back down, "It's practically there, just add a little less fish oil next time." She decided to help him.

"The prima twins." He commented when he looked at Carly and Cassandra, "Cee squared."

Talia chuckled, "Oh no, Carly is nothing like Cassandra." 

Beckett ducked down to Talia's height because of her chair, "I wouldn't be so sure about that." Talia stared at the two girls in wonder, "You ready to go? Your brother said he'd drive me to Benny's."

Looking confused, Talia shook her head, "Right, Benny's! I think I'm done here. I've been working all afternoon while Carly had Prima's and Vee had Streets. They can do the rest." She turned her chair so she could wheel to the car, her crutches resting on her legs. Before she could even wheel away, Beckett grabbed a hold of the handles and pushed her.

And Talia never felt so belittled.

Talia wasn't having a great time like she usually had. Beckett had completely overtaken her brother-and-sister-time. 

*"He's infuriating." Talia glared at the camera, "Why can't he just goooooo?"*

Talia just sipped in her strawberry milkshake, leaving her fries and burger untouched as Beckett and Spencer bonded over some type of video game, "I need to bathroom. Look after my sister for me?" Spencer asked and left without waiting for a response. When he walked past his sister, he turned around and gave Beckett a wink and a knowing look. 

Beckett's eyes widened at the thought that Spencer had just left him alone with Talia so they could talk. But Talia didn't really talk to him. She just uncomfortably stared out the window, "I'm sorry I interrupted your brother sister thing."

Talia placed a small smile on her face and shook her head, "It's fine. It's just-" She cut herself off not really knowing what to say. 

"You don't have to say-"

"I don't get to spend a lot of time with my family." Talia admitted, cutting Beckett off, "My parents are working constantly and with Spencer being in his final year, it's hard to spend time with them. This was mine and Spencer's thing, ya know?"

Beckett just nodded, not knowing how to respond. Neither of them responded, just sat in silence, before Beckett reached over and stole all of Talia's fries.


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