{24} Felix and Andrea's Birthday

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Felix and Andrea was taken to the room where the core 4 talked to their parents and luckily, FG agreed to call Dr. Facilier

[And with a very special participation of Freddie's younger sister, Celia]

" Hey kiddos! " Celia said, " Aunty Celia! " Felix said, " Hey grandchils. " Dr. Facilier said, " Grandpa..! " Andrea said, " Happy, not, happy birthday my niece and nephew! " Celia said, " Thank you! Not! Aunty Celia! " Felix and Andrea said, it was their style to say thank you then say the word not after

" Happy birthday Felix and Andrea Facilier! " Facilier said, " Thank you Grandpa! " The twins said to their grand father, " When are you coming home kiddos? " Celia said, " In Saturday. " Andrea said, " So... " Facilier said, " 4 more days before I see my niece and nephew? Ugh.. I hate that king... Good thing you won't stay there for months or else Mal could kill everyone. " Celia said, " Yeah.. We chose Saturday because it's Ben and Audrey's wedding day, that's why we chose to go home because she could be a dragon and kill the two. " Freddie said, " Or worse... Everyone. " Facilier said, " Mom.... You said we would have a gift? " Andrea and Felix said to their mother and interrupting the conversation of their mother, grandfather and Aunt

" But first we eat at the cafeteria ok? Then play but before those what do you want? We will give your gifts now or after the stuff thingys? " Freddie asked, " Now!!! " Felix said, " Fine by me. " Andrea said and the 3 adults laughed, " Ok! Right now. " Freddie said

Their mother handed them 2 gifts

1 medium size gift to Andrea and A not so small gift to Felix

" Not fair! " Felix yelled, " Why? " Celia said, " What is it Felix? " Freddie asked and everyone looked at him

" Andrea gets a medium size gift while I get a small gift?! It's so not fair. " Felix said, " Ok! I'll let you two open the gifts, I'm pretty sure those gifts are your favorites. " Freddie said and they opened the gifts

Felix and Andrea cheered

" Yay! A voodoo doll! " Felix said hugging Freddie and saying thank you to the other 2 adults Andrea cheered, " Stuff toys! " Andrea said and doing the same thing her twin did

And so meanwhile with.....  Tasha's cousin, Cynthy Hook - Izma's Birthday

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