{14} Unbelievable truth

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Then....... Alex came to Bella then pushed her

" Get away from my Dad! " Alex said then he pushed Bella again and she hit a glass and she had a bleeding wound so she cried

" That's fine for you! " Alex said, " Alex! " Ben said as he pulled Alex away from Bella and everyone came gasped, Audrey came to Alex while Ben and Mal came to Bella who was crying

" Ben! You should not have stopped Alex! Bella deserved it anyways. " Audrey said and Belle came to Audrey and slapped her

" You should never say that to them because your just a stuck up lady who stole a position just because of your mean son! He's like you. " Belle said

" Remember Audrey! I'm still keeping your unbelievable secret! " Mal said as she held her daughter

" What secret? " Ben asked, " Because Alex is not your son! It's Chad's! And the day of our party, she planned the whole thing! " Mal said, " Ben don't believe her! She's just lying! She just want to get her position back! " Audrey said, " I'm sorry Mal! But Audrey could be right! " Ben said, " It's fine Ben! If you don't want to believe me then it's fine! " Mal said and she lifted Bella up and Her and Her friends with Belle and Adam brought Bella to the hospital and the party ended

Bella was asleep when she  was getting healed so Mal came out of the room

" Ben was wrong believing Audrey! " Evie said, " Because he's believing her that Alex is their son! And Audrey is using him! " Mal said, " What do you mean Mal? " Belle asked, " Chad told me the truth that he's Alex's father, he even told me that Audrey is just using Alex because she still loved Ben. " Mal said and all gasped, " I didn't even know what Ben is thinking! " Mal said, " I think I know why! " A girl said

" What is it? " Mal asked as she faced the girl, " Miss Audrey used your spell book to make a love spell to King Ben and she brought it back to the museum, I saw it in my own eyes. " The girl said and Mal started to tear up, the girl left

" That's why Ben won't believe me. " Mal said, " Do you still love Ben? " Evie asked, " Kinda. " Mal said, " Well he just announced that he's marrying Audrey next week. " Belle said, " But." Mal said, " I was planning to go back to the isle next week. " Mal said, " So Audrey's plan will work now. " Uma said, " So I'm not going to see Isabella again? " Adam said and Belle nodded, " You can still call! " Mal said, " But me, John and Chris doesn't want to hang out with Alex anymore, specially I'm the only girl. " Lily said, and Mal smiled, " I'll try to get out of the isle and bring Bella here so you can hang out with her. " Mal said and the children cheered, " What about us? " Cynthy asked, " You'll come to. " Mal said and the children cheered more

" But what if Alex fought Bella again? " John asked, " We'll take care of our granddaughter. " Adam said and they smiled

" Are you planning to bring Ben back? " CJ asked, " We're going back to the isle at the day of the wedding, so.. I can't and I think I won't. " Mal said and the doctor came out

" Lady Mal? " He said, " Here! " Mal said and he came to them, " Well Bella will be fine after a week, so you can take her home then. " He said and Mal nodded

Then Mal and CJ and Cynthia we're left at the hospital guarding Bella when Audrey came

" Mal! " She said, " Good thing, Ben didn't believe you because he was in a spell! " Audrey said, " Idc Audrey! Just get married! Idc, I just want him to know the truth. " Audrey said and Mal went beast mode and hit Audrey and she fell down

Mal was glowing purple and her eyes we're dark green, when she was about to shot Audrey, CJ calmed her down and she went back to the chair

" Look Audrey! Just leave before she kills you. " CJ said and Audrey left

And so the next day.......

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