chapter 9

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"Cut the crap, just tell me" I snap.

"Well uh I uh the reason I broke up with you was because...I-I cheated on you" he slowly spat out.

"YOU WHAT!" I screamed not remembering Jonah was asleep next to me.

By now I was crying an ocean, and my heart shattered even more. I didn't think that was possible.

Jonah woke up and tried to comfort me but I couldn't stay calm.

"I didn't want to tell you, so that's why I broke up with you. But then I thought about it and I didn't want to be apart from you, I need you. So I felt like I needed to tell you, will you take me back I promise it won't happen again" he said starting to cry.

"You think telling me would make me want to get back with you?! I will never forgive you, if you needed me that bad you would have never cheated in the first place" I screamed and hung up.

I threw my phone across the room probably breaking it but I didn't care.

Jonah wrapped his arms around me and didn't let go.

"I-I'm Sorry for waking you up" I sobbed.

"Shhh, don't be sorry. I'm here for you. What happened" he whispered.

"H-he c-c-cheated on me" I let out.

Jonah pulled me in close and kissed my head.

"I'll be right back, stay here" he says and gets up from the bed.

*Jonah's POV*

Seeing her this upset tore me apart inside, but I wanted to make sure I was there for her.

I walked out of my room and down the hall peeking into each of the boys rooms.

They had all went to sleep.

They must be some deep sleepers if they didn't wake up to Emma.

I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I grab my phone off the counter and check the time.

8:47 pm

Geez we all went to sleep super early

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a tub of mint chip ice cream along with two spoons.

I grab my phone and the ice cream and walk back upstairs.

I get back to my room and quietly open the door and turn on the light.

Emma had been laying there and jumped when I turned the light on.

"Don't worry it's just me" I smiled handing her the ice cream.

She smiled and took the ice cream.

(I'm skipping ahead cause I don't wanna write about them eating ice cream lmao)

I went downstairs to put the ice cream away and when I got back to my room Emma had fallen asleep.

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