chapter 1

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my parents were out of town so I had the whole house to myself.

I had gone to the store to get a few things and on my way back I rolled the windows down, blasting Why Don't We music.

Why Don't We probably has to be my favorite band ever, even though I'm 17.

The sun shone on my face, my wavy blonde hair flowing in the wind.

I drove my red convertible down the street and up onto the driveway.

I hopped out and walked over to the mailbox.

*Jonah's POV*

"Hey Dani do you hear our music?" I asked Daniel with a curious face.

"Yea, I do but we just turned ours off, so where's it coming from?" He replied.

"I don't know wanna go walk around and find out"

"Sure lets go" Daniel said.

Since we had moved out of the compound, we had to find a new place to live.

We moved into this nice community, with palm trees in every direction you look at. It was really the California dream life.

The way our house was built was a little weird, the street behind us was on a cul-de-sac and there was a little area with benches on one side.

We only had one next door neighbor because on one side of our house was a sidewalk that led to the bench area.

Daniel and I were walking on the sidewalk to the street behind us.

We turned and looked at a house, the house in which we share a back fence with.

We looked over and saw a girl, getting out of her red convertible.

She had long blonde wavy hair and tan skin, basically an average LA girl, but she seemed different.

I looked over to Daniel and he nodded his head, this was the girl blasting our music.

She hadn't seen us but she walked a little closer our way and stopped at a mailbox.

"We gotta go over there Jonah" Daniel insisted.

So that's what we did.

We walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder.

*Emma's POV*

I grabbed the mail out from the mailbox and felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

I jumped a little because I didn't think anyone was near.

I turned and my jaw dropped.

"I must be dreaming, someone pinch me" I said, barley getting those words out.

"Hey" a soft voice said.

"Uhhh Yea I seriously must be dreaming, what in the world!" I said, shocked.

2 of the Why Don't We boys were standing in front of me!

the boys behind meWhere stories live. Discover now