Lyv let go of Amory's hand as she quietly snuck up behind Gideon. She pounced then, wrapping her arms around him from behind, and leaning her head against his just as he set his own tankard down on the bar top.

"Well, well, princess," Gideon grinned at her. "You are finally back after sneaking away a month ago for a little adventure."

"Yes...and I brought you a present."

Amory stepped forward, leaning against the counter on Gideon's other side. "And I am sorry to disappoint, but it is not a bottle of Torrent."

His oldest friend stared at him with wide eyes, jaw slack. "What the hell are you still doing here?"

Just as he did when the king answered the question, he glanced at Lyv before back to Gideon. "I couldn't leave just yet."

Gideon's nostril's flared, taking in Lyv's scent that was now permanently entwined with Amory's and his with hers. His eyes widened even more and Amory gave him a slight nod in confirmation. The look he had then was one Camilla had given him on the docks of the port town. Yes, he had made an irrevocable attachment in this land, but fate had a guiding hand in it. There was no breaking it.

"So, I have to deal with you for longer and do not get a chance to turn Lyv's love against you and to me?"

"Sorry, handsome, but that isn't possible."

Jules, who had been watching the exchange, set down two tankards in front of Amory and Lyv. "All I have to say is, remember my warning, Amory, or else I will have a new head mounted on my wall."

"Jules, seriously," Lyv laughed.

"Oh, she's serious," Amory smiled at the tavern owner.

Jules grinned, reaching over to pat his cheek. "At least with you two back, I don't have to deal with Gideon much."

"Hey," the male in question retorted. "When I'm here, I've been helping you out. Don't go saying I haven't."

"You fixed two of the taps after you broke them, knocked over and broke an entire stack of my best glasses, and almost set the kitchen on fire when you knocked over the cooking oil into the fire trying to flirt with the girls."

Gideon gave her a flat look. "But still. I put it out, didn't I? And I bought you double the amount of glasses I broke."

"Did the flirting work at least?" Lyv asked, laughing.

His silence was answer enough.

Lyv laughed again and was joined by Jules. It seemed his friend couldn't catch a break.


They spent the afternoon in the tavern. While Lyv helped Jules with whatever she needed it, whether it be the bar, serving patrons, or helping in the kitchen, Amory and Gideon ended up at what had become their regular table, which they had stolen from Lyv.

Amory's eyes would go to Lyv every few seconds and Gideon noticed long before he said anything.

"You finally gave in, did you?"

"And you know how?"

Gideon rolled his eyes. "I have been around mates before. My parents, for one. And yours. You think I haven't noticed how your scents are weaved together now? And they are even more now since it seems you can't keep your hands off each other. I'm surprised you haven't snuck off for a quick romp in the pantry."

"I like to take my time with her," he grinned at his friend. "She seems to thoroughly enjoy it, too."

Gideon took a long sip of his drink. "Ugh, I do not need to know these things."

"Your day will come, my friend. Just wait."

"Except the bond isn't whole you didn't tell her."

This time, it was Amory's turn to drink. "Do not start with that again."

He continued. "Because there is a barrier keeping it from tying the two of you together. And you know what would allow it to form completely? If you tell her the truth."

"Now isn't the time."

"Now is totally the fucking time," he growled. "Mother above, you can't keep this from her forever. Especially now."

Amory cut his eyes over to him. "And I could say the same to you."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, watching as the dinner crowd began to slowly trickle in.

Gideon lowered his voice. "You have not been here over the past month, but I have. I've been meeting with the king and Balian regularly, even going out with Balian in the night to try and find information. The man is good. With the information we were able to manage to get, he sent a few of his men to survey."

Amory nodded. "We saw the correspondence yesterday when we got back."

"Then you know how this is spreading into the other territories and without their lords' attentions. It is only a matter of time before the queen decides to strike."

"Soon, according to what Lyv told me last night. She had a run in with her mother. She said she seemed...content."

"Then we are running out of time. Are you ready to be here when a rebellion begins?"

"Then we can stop it before it can come to fruition."

Amory told him of Lyv's plans to search for information to stop the rebellion.

"Let us hope she has the means to get it. But you know I will help in any way I can."

They continued talking about Amory's conversation with the king the day before, keeping the details of names and places hushed so no one would overhear. Before it got really busy, Lyv came over with dinner for the both of them. Amory got a kiss from her before she went off to continue helping. It was long enough to make him want to take Gideon's suggestion of a pantry romp. Though Gideon acted grossed out, he could tell he was truly happy for the two of them.

"Just so you know, if you decided to spend nights at the cottage, you'd better put up a barrier to block the sounds. Because if I don't get any sleep because of you during the night, you are definitely not going to be getting any sleep in the morning. I will be making as much racket as possible."

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