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I think Warren would make a great college professor.

I remember that time when he told me that he wanted to teach. I admire that, because not everyone would choose to teach. For as long as I have been in school, I could see how hard the life of a teacher must be.

Some people resort to teaching because they didn't get the career of their choice. That shouldn't be the way things work. Teaching is a great profession, and it shouldn't be just a resort of failed doctors or lawyers or engineers.

Why do I speak like I want to be a teacher?

I don't. I don't want to be a teacher, but I want to teach other people.

How can that happen?

I want to be a life coach. Someone whom people would see whenever they feel like their life has no direction. Someone that builds up character and self-love. Someone who would speak for those who haven't found their voice yet.

I'm not made for teaching, but I can be an inspirational speaker at events. I just know that I don't want to stay in a classroom and teach a bunch of kids.

I want to stand up in front of the stage and say my thoughts aloud.

If I were a painter, I'd be an abstract expressionist.

I see things in a different light, and I tend to understand the most complicated things. Not right away, of course. Not in a snap. But I have this ability to break things down and figure out what to do in a certain situation. Slow, but sure.

Too bad I weren't a painter.

I may not have the hands of someone who paints, but I do have the hands of someone who writes. And by write, I don't mean just writing your name or such. I mean writing, as an art.

Painters and writers create masterpieces.

With the hands of a writer and the lips of a speaker, I believe that I can be a diplomat. An ambassador for peace, for righteousness.

Yes, that's what I want. I can start with being a life coach, build up my social skills, and then move up slowly until I reach that point when the honor of representing my country to another is finally granted to me.

It's a good thing that my sixteen-day course about forever also made me realize the path that I want to take.

I thought of Xenna. She told me that she wants to be an accountant.

Her parents are both teachers, so it's normal for people to think that she would be a teacher as well. But Xenna told me that she doesn't want to become a teacher, for some reasons that I haven't deciphered yet.

Kenneth, being my friend for just a short while hasn't told me about his dream career yet. But I have a feeling that it's related to music.

I have a strong feeling that they will end up together.

But then, a thought occurred to me.

What if the unexpected happens?

What if Warren, who wants to teach, won't be a college professor?

What if Xenna and I, who don't want to be teachers, would actually become teachers?

And what if Kenneth, who doesn't bake, becomes a pastry chef? Baking has nothing in common with music, so it would be totally weird if he becomes a pastry chef.

I just thought of those what-ifs because another realization came into my mind.

We can plan for our future. We can dream about things that we want to do and people who we want to be. But when the time comes, we may never know what could happen. Things may happen exactly as we pictured them to, but they could also happen in a totally random way.

We have to accept the fact that we won't always have the things that we want. Because some things that we never expected to happen will come to our lives, and seem to change our course towards our destiny.

They only seem to change our course.

Unexpected things happen because God wants us to have our destiny. What we want might not be a part of our destiny. This is the story behind the famous saying that everything happens for a reason.

What and if.

If you could see me now, you would smile and say that you know something's up.

Of course, something's up. Every time I see those two words together, I think of Warren.

We haven't talked about things yet. There is no closure yet, no clarification of everything that needs to be clarified.

I need to talk to him as soon as possible.

While I think of the need to talk to him, I also think of my greatest what if.

What if Warren and I end up together?

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