Wings (+Some Other Things)

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Wings...what kind of creatures have wings?

Most insects have wings. Butterflies, dragonflies, flies.

Mythical creatures have wings. Like the Pegasus.

Angels have wings.

What are their wings for?

Every creature that has wings don't just have wings for display. They have a purpose. And that, is flying.

Insects fly. Mythical creatures with wings fly. Angels fly.

But there are creatures who don't have wings, but are able to fly.

Most superheroes don't have wings, yet they fly.

What do they use for flying?

Powers. Powers that are either innate or acquired.

I'm no insect. I'm not a mythical creature. And I am certainly not an angel by nature.

I don't have wings that I could flap for me to fly.

I'm no superhero. I don't have powers that would make me fly.

I don't have wings, nor powers, but now I am flying.

Well, maybe I have both. Just, not literally.

Whenever I hear the word wings, what comes to my mind first are the wings of a fairy. The wings of an angel just comes second, I don't know why. My idea of wings is that a pair of wings is something that creatures flap either gracefully (like angels) or drastically (like most annoying insects).

Now I know something more. Wings can be invisible. Unseen. Because my wings are the people who love me. They push me to be the best that I can be. They help me reach whatever it is that I want to reach. The sky, my dreams.

Whenever I hear the word powers, what comes to my mind first are the superheroes. The lasers, the super sonics, the invisibility powers, and all. My idea of powers is that having powers would mean like having something very special. Being able to do magic.

Now, I know something more about powers too. Powers can also be possessed by seemingly ordinary humans. Because all of us have powers. My power is my inner strength. My ability to stand up for what I believe in. I have a strong soul, a strong heart, and a strong will that will never be taken away from me. I use my powers to be heard. I use my powers for the world to know not only who I am, but what I can do. Because once you establish a name in this world, people will listen to you.

I want to be heard because I know that what I've got to say matters. I can make a mark on the lives of other people. I can inspire, and motivate those who want to give up to hold on longer, because you'll never know when you're gonna reach your goal. You just have to say to yourself that you're almost there.

I have wings. I have powers. I am flying.

I have a feeling that this will bring up some eyebrows and some eyeballs rolling.

I don't care. I had enough of thinking about how people would admire me more. I figured that I should just be me, and that I should put myself out there, for the world to see that I am here, and I am not alone in this.

I know a lot of you would want to do the same thing, to fly with your own wings and powers. You can do it.

Funny how a sixteen-day course about forever led me to realizing things like this.

So much for superbity. So much greatness.

Oops, wrong punctuation.

So much greatness!

It had to be an exclamation point, since I am like in my best state right now. Not at my happiest yet, but it will come to that point. Besides, your best state doesn't have to be your happiest, does it?

Whenever I feel down, my mother would always tell me that I shouldn't feel like that. Because I am born for something greater than I could imagine.

Now I understand what she was talking about.

Superbity for the win!

Remember me, folks. It's Lynn who used the word superbity first. I can say what In want to say. I can do what I want to do as long as I don't do anything wrong.

There's nothing wrong with superbity, is there?

I mean, superbity is superb + ity.

What's with ity?

I don't know. That suffix came into my mind first. You know that saying that extraordinary is just ordinary with a little extra?

Same thing applies here.

Feel free to use my superb word with a little extra. I won't mind.

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