Forever Number Two

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Friends are the family that we didn't choose.

Xenna is my best, best, best friend. When she became so dear to me, I realized that her importance is unlike any other friend. She is family, and our house is like her second home.

I had a forever with Xenna. A forever that survived a number of near-ending times. A forever that was tried and tested by time.

I consider my friendship with Xenna as my second forever.

I know that when we go to college, we will meet other people. We will make new friends. But we won't forget each other.

I will never forget the girl who stood up for me when nobody else did. The girl who had been strong for me when I was weak. The girl who never got tired of listening to me. The girl who never stopped loving me.

I know that now. Xenna may have done things that hurt me, things that made me cry. But I have done things that amde her feel the same way too. And I'm sorry for that.

I already forgave her before she even said that she was sorry. Because I knew that she already forgave me too.

Now what we to do is forgive ourselves for what we have done. Blaming ourselves for the problems that we caused won't do any good. It will just make us feel worse about the situation.

What we have to do is accept each other's flaws, and try our best to cope up with those flaws, for things to be easier for us.

What makes a real friend?

There are people who will never leave your side, literally. They will come with you, anywhere you go. Once you have those people as friends, you're sure that you will never be alone. You've got companions every second.

Those are the adhesives.

There are people who will always be there when you're happy. They will come to you at gigs, parties, and celebrations. Once you have those people as friends, you're sure that you will have a great time

Those are the fun people.

There are people who will always listen to you when you're telling them something. They won't talk at all, they will just be there to listen. There are times when you need these people, because there are times when we just want to let things out of our chests. There are times when we don't need people to talk, we just need them to listen. Listeners are awesome people to have in handy. However, there are times when we want to talk about things that bother us because we need some advice. We can get that from the people who like to express their opinions and tell the world what they think about a certain issue. Those people are the advisers.

If I'll make a list on the types of friends, the list won't end. Because there are billions of people in this planet, and all are unique.

I have to go straight to my point.

There are people who can't always come with you. They can't always join you when you're having fun, and they can't always listen to you or give you advice the moment you need it. There are people who don't know some things about you, but care for you anyway. They may not always be there right when you need them, but they'll come eventually because they know that you need someone real.

Real friends have real flaws. But they are the ones that stay with you even at your worst.

Real friends aren't easy to spot. They are people that deserve to be treasured, because there aren't many of them in this world.

Real friends will tell the truth about you. Real friends won't allow you to take the wrong path. Real friends respect you and your decisions. Real friends love you.

How do you know when someone is a real friend?

Real friendship is not defined, it is felt. You can enumerate all the characteristics that a real friend should have, but once you meet a real friend, even if you see something missing, you won't mind.

Real friendship can happen anytime. You don't have to be friends with someone for this certain amount of time for him to be a real friend. You just get this feeling that they are real. And trust me, once your heart tells you that someone is real, trust it.

I don't remember the time when my heart saw Xenna as a real friend. What I know is just I'm sure with her, along with some other real friends like Kenneth, and Warren.

I don't have a great number of friends that can be grouped into circles like Warren has. I also don't have a group like the one that Xenna and Kenneth have. But I have individual people as real friends, and that's enough.

Real friendships are forever. If it's not forever, then it's not real friendship. Because real friendships don't end, and so does forever.

What a nice realization.

I find it really amazing when things like this come across my mind.

So far, I have learned four lessons about forever. I guess it's my lucky day. The fifth just came in.

Maybe forever is not a measure of time. Maybe forever is a state of heart.

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