"So I've heard you saw Jo twerking and you got a boner" Nash smirked, looking at me and I rolled my eyes, groaning. "How do you even-"

"Swazz texted me saying you did" He cut me off and I groaned again. I'm going to punch Swazz when I see him.

"It happened Alright" He started chuckling, shaking his head. "Yeah it happened cause you like her" Nash said causing me to laugh at him.

"Me and Jo? Come on Nash. I love Gracie" I said and he arched his eyebrow. He scoffed, shaking his head. "Yeah keep loving her and see won't you get hurt"

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah.. uh huh. Gracie loves me. She wouldn't do anything like that to me"

He sighed, shaking his head again. "Okay. Don't say I told you so" We went inside the bowling alley place, noticing there were nothing but three allies of older adults in here.

Nash and I argued over who pays and he won. We put our bowling shoes on. Jo was typing away on her phone smiling. I squint my eyes, trying to see who she was texting and I only saw half of the text.

It must've been that guy she met at the mall two days ago. I should be the only guy making her smile like that. She's my Bestfriend.

I looked away, not wanting to see anymore. "Hey you two got to put your names in" Nash said to Jo and I. We stood up and went towards the front of the keyboard and our hands touched, this time.... It felt different.... Again..

"You can go ahead" I snatched my hand from the keyboard. She arches an eyebrow and shakes her head.

She got done and then I wrote my name on the board.

Taylor went first and I saw Jo, texting again. This time she laughed. I wanted to slap her phone out her hand. Nash must've seen my face cause when I turned towards my right, Nash looked right at me. He was smiling like an idiot... Well he is a idiot and I made a face, squinting my eyes.

"Your turn" Taylor told Nash. He went up to Bowl. "she's nice H" Taylor smiled at me. "Yeah she's a good bestfriend" I said which caused her to smile.

"You should go for it" She smiled. I looked at her confused for a minute. When I was about to talk, Nash yelled yes!!

"I got a strike Losers Haha" He said and I shook my head. "We haven't even bowl yet" I said causing Jo to agree with me. "Still can't top me" He said all proud like and Jo laughed. "I challenge you. On my first try I can get a strike" She smirked as Nash smirked back. "Your on" They shook on it and Jo got up next cause it was her turn.

When she bowled, she actually made a strike. Taylor, Nash and I were in pure shock.


She smiled, blinking her eyes, with her arms folded. "see"

I couldn't believe she actually made a strike. With one bowling ball.

"That was good Jo" Taylor said as I nodded, agreeing with her.

Her smile was pretty. Her eyes brighten and she looked beautiful.

Hayes what are you talking about? She's your bestfriend, nothing more.



After we played bowling, we decided to go on the board walk. Taylor and Jo wanted to walk with each other.

"Hayes stop being stupid and just do it" He said, I looked at him the same way I looked at Taylor when we were at the bowling alley.

"Do what exactly? Cause you and Taylor saying really stupid stuff right about now" Which Nash laughed. "You know what were talking about Hayes"

I rolled my eyes. "No I certainly don't" He sighed, shaking his head. "Ask her out Hayes. You are so clueless"

"Me? Ask Jo out?" I laughed. "Nash, I have a girlfriend who happens to love me"

Nash looked at me, "Are you sure about that?"

"What do you mean am I sure about that? I know"

Nash scoffed, shaking his head. "Yep keep telling yourself that. Look get on the Ferris wheel and if you feel different.... You like Jo and if you don't feel different.... Then you don't like Jo." He shrugged, "Taylor!!! Let's go on the Ferris wheel!!" He yells at Taylor. Taylor and Jo stopped, turning around towards us.

"Okay" Then Jo looked at me. "Want to ride the roller coaster?" She asked and I shrugged, then smiled. "Sure"

I told Nash I would text him. We went on the roller coaster and we played little mini games. I won a stuffed bear but I gave it to Jo and she won a stuffed panda and she gave it to me.

What Nash had said was making me curious. Do I like my bestfriend? What I would never. Jo is just like a boy. She's a tomboy. But....Then again like I said I was curious. "Hey let's ride the Ferris wheel" I suggested and she arched her eyebrow.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, smiling. "Yeah, I want to"

We got in line and when it was our turn, we got on. It was slowly turning, while we were on here. "Why did you want to come up here!" She asked as I just chuckled, shrugging. "I want to spend time with you"

"But Hayes what about Gracie?" She asked as I shrugged. "I'm sure she'll be okay"

She nodded, and she started looking down, scratching her head. She wants to tell me something.

"What do you want to tell me?" I asked her. "What?" She looked at me confused. "When you look down and scratch your head, you want to tell me something"

"Wow you must look at me hard" She chuckled, as I smiled.

My heart was beating. Thumping hard.

"So... This morning when I was dancing...." She trailed off. I guess she must've saw my boner. Uggh now I feel embarrassed.

"Yeah" I said which she stopped trying to spit out the words of not trying to embarrass me but I was already embarrassed. "I got a boner when you were twerking this morning"

She snickered a little, burying her face in the stuff Bear. She was trying hard not to laugh but she was. "Go ahead, get it out"

She moved the bear from her face and laughed fully. Then she turned towards me. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh" She touched my hand and I felt my heart racing again.

"It's okay" I chuckled. "No it's not. I didn't mean to laugh. I just wouldn't think my bestfriend would get a boner from me"

The Ferris wheel stopped. "Hayes why did we get up here?" She looked at me fully. Her eyes were beautiful. Her face was so cute. I want to kiss her so bad and make her mine.

"Hayes" I noticed that Jo was touching my hand again. I chuckled nervously, moving my hand and scratching my head. "Y-yeah?"

She looked at me weird. "Are you okay? Your Blushing mad hard right now" I wanted to fall out of this seat in mid-air. "Oh.. you know I don't take heights well" She nodded slightly, feeling that I was lying.

When we got off, we met Taylor and Nash. "So? Feel different?" Nash asked. I didn't say anything I just thought about it.

Nash was right... I like my bestfriend.

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