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"W-what - " Jungkook was cut off by Taehyung.

"Take time to think about it. My arms will always be open for you." the older said. Jungkook honestly had no clue how to react. But the only thing he knew for sure was that he was blushing like crazy.

'Oh my god! What did he just say? What is he trying to do? Is he flirting with me? Why does my face feel like it's on fire? Oh no, don't tell me I'm blushing! What if he notices? Why does it feel like my heart will burst out of my chest? Like is it normal for your heart to beat this fast? And my stomach, it feels like butterflies have taken over my organs!'

Jungkook had so many questions, and he knew nun of them would be answered anytime soon. The latter was still in the older's strong arms and looking into the eyes of a man that made his stomach do summersaults.

The way the two were looking into each other's eyes was as if they were never going to stop, just get lost in the other's eyes forever.

Sadly their 'forever' was cut short when they heard loud footsteps coming there way. The two boys had to break their intense eye contact to see what it was. Taehyung turned so Jungkook could see too, but it was a really scary sight. It was Jin running as fast as he could towards them and Namjoon jogging behind him.

"Babe! Slow down! You are killing me!" Namjoon stopped running to put his hands on his knees to catch some air. "I haven't ran since seventh grade! Why are you doing this to me!"

"Hurry up Joonie! I want to see what Jungkookie and Taehyungie did on their date!" Jin screamed.

"D-date? It was not a date!" Jungkook said.

"Don't lie I know you, you know it was." Taehyung looked down and smirked.

Right when Jin stopped in front of them, he collapsed on the floor. "Holy fuck, this is why I don't run. Anyways if you two weren't on a date than why are you in his arms?"

Just as those words left his mouth, Jungkook scrambled to get out of Taehyung's grip. Just as his feet touched the floor he tried to defend himself. "N-no I wasn't! You were seeing things. Hyung you are getting old. You may need glasses."

"Bitch, you know damn well I am not old, you're just too childish to accept the fact that you just got your heart stolen by Taehyung over here." Jin smirk as did Namjoon and Taehyung themselves . Jungkook on the other hand was not smirking but instead was red as a tomato. Taehyung was not smirking because of Jin's comment, but about the fact that Taehyung could make Jungkook so red without even doing anything.

"Anyways we will let you finish your date, me and Jin will just leave the groceries with you two to take in and we will know go on our date. So... bye." Namjoon said and skipped away hand in hand with his date.

There were about five bags in total, laying on the floor waiting to be taken inside. Jungkook knew he was have to take to rounds to take them all in and he was just too lazy to do that. He wanted to ask the older to help him, but he did not like the fact that they would be home all alone. It gave Jungkook chills just thinking about it.

"Here I'll help you with these bags." Taehyung said as he picked up three bags, two in the left and one in the right. And do not think Jungkook didn't notice the way Taehyung's muscles flexed and he definitely did not miss the veins that popped out of his arms, making him look more muscular than before.

"S-sure" Jungkook was too focused on the older's arms to realize Taehyung had a smirk plastered on his face. Jungkook took out his key and opened the door, he was about to pick up the other two bags but there were no bags on the floor waiting to be held. He looked at Taehyung and saw that he was already holding them. It took Jungkook all of his self control to stop himself from fanboying about the arms of the taller male.

Jungkook walked through the door first and second come Taehyung. The two took of their shoes and after walked to the kitchen. "Do you want me to put these on the counter?" Taehyung broke the uncomfortable silence.

"Y-yeah, right there would be fine" Jungkook stuttered while Taehyung put the bags down.

"You have been stuttering a lot" Taehyung deadpanned "awww is baby boy shy." he said walking closer to the said boy.

"W-what no, and don't call me 'baby boy'" Jungkook murmured the last part while blushing ten time harder.

"Oh really, then why are your cute cheeks red?" Taehyung lowered his voice into a huskier one. Jungkook did not respond, he looked down at his iron man socks once he say Taehyung standing right in front of him. "Look up."

Jungkook still didn't respond and kept looking down. That was when Taehyung took charge and placed his thumb and index finger on the shy boy's chins, lifting his face up and connected their gaze. Taehyung was mesmerized by Jungkook's big brown doe-shaped eyes. Jungkook could not look away, as if someone was telling him to stay like that forever.

The two boys were so close that could feel each other's breathe hit their lips. Taehyung's eyes traveled from Jungkook's eyes to his nose and then landed on his glossy red lips. Taehyung felt as if he needed to taste them. So that's what he did, Taehyung snaked his left arm around Jungkook's petite waist pulling him closer. And placed his right hand on the back of his head, Taehyung leaned in and their lips met.

Jungkook closed his eyes and let his lips move in sync with the other. The kiss they shared was sweet and innocent, Taehyung was so careful when holding the younger in his arms and kissing his softly, as if Jungkook was shatter into a million pieces if held too tightly. But sadly the kiss had been broken, Jungkook pulled away and looked at the older with hooded eyes as if he had woken up from a great nap.

"Yes." was what Jungkook said looking into the older's confused eyes.

"Yes for what?" Taehyung asked

"Yes, I will stay in your arms forever." Jungkook flashed his bunny teeth as he smiled. Taehyung also flashed his signature boxy smile and pulled the little bunny into a tight embrace. They stayed like that from a while until Jungkook looked up. "Tae, can we watch a movie?"

"Of course." Taehyung cooed at the younger's cuteness as he ran out the kitchen. Taehyung walked out after he finally understood what was happening 'me, Kim Taehyung just kissed a certain little bunny and now are going to watch a movie. God what did I do to meet this little angel?' 

He then walked to the living room only to see Jungkook wrapped in a huge blanket like a butterfly in a cocoon while watching Zootopia. He walked closer and sat down under the blanket with the other. About thirty minutes into the movie the older heard small little smores coming from the younger's mouth. 'Cute' was the only thing that came into Taehyung's mind as he looked at Jungkook.

He quickly turned off the T.V. and pulled Jungkook closer to him so he would sleep comfortably on the older's chest.  


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