Confessing at a movie

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Confessing feelings during a movie

Arin: You and Arun had been friends since the creation of game grumps. You had a teensy crush on him, but he could never know because it would ruin everything. You and his, as friends, went to a movie released called INFINITY WAH! It was The most talked about film in ages.

 You and his, as friends, went to a movie released called INFINITY WAH! It was The most talked about film in ages

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After the movie, you and Arin were shocked at the ending. He snapped out of his daze and saw there were years in your eyes. He grabbed your hand to comfort you, but your hand stayed limp, yet your heart ached. You notice him staring at you, and you blush.

"That movie was you...I like you.....a lot...." He mumbled with a soft voice. You were taken by surprise. Wait, he likes you. ..?

"I, I uh, like you too....." You whisper while looking in his deep eyes.

"Wanna go on a date with me next week...?"

" of course Arin, of course. " Then the both of you walked of the theatre hand in hand.

Danny: You were at a free showing of the classic Muppet Movie as friends, yet you wished it were a date. During the show, a piece of popcorn lands in your shirt. Looking over, you see Danny snickering and ready to shoot another.

"I dare you" you kid around, but he took it seriously. He shoots another and he started the war. You throw a few pieces into his jew fro, and after about half the bucket spilt, you two stop and have a good laugh. He suddenly stopped
laughing and stated at you. He reached over and slowly put a piece of loose hair behind your ear. He then leaned forward and kissed your cheek softly.

"S-sorry....I couldn't resist. You just look so beautiful tonite...." He blushed a heavy crimson. You bit your lip and smiled.

" it's fine danny-" you leaned over and kissed his cheek back, "-I couldn't resist either."

" if you couldn't tell, I like you.... " he said confidently. You nodded.

"Of course silly." You chuckled and both of you continued the movie, but now holding hands.

Barry: You had the HUGEST crush on barry, and You were at the movie premier of Deadpool. During one of the scenes where Wade and his wife are having sex, Barry casually leaned over and solemnly said,

"I like you. That is all." He continued to watch the movie, but left you confused and shocked.

" Wait, what did you s-"

"Shhhhhhh...." He reached over and puts his finger over your lips, "don't talk."

"But you just said...."

"What did I say? " He asks with confusion. You're completely baffled now.

"You said, 'I like you.'"

" I said what now? "

"I like you." You say for the last time. Barry turns to you and smiled widely.

"You like me?! Yes! I like you too!" He laughed and stuck his tongue out. That little butt just made you confess your feelings. ..

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