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So I'm writing a Killgrave fanfic and I'm kind of REALLY excited...here's a small sneak:::


There was a sharp wind flowing throughout Hell's Kitchen. It was around midnight, and there was a quiet buzz on the streets. I was walking to a cafe to get a coffee so I could have some instant energy. I was an actor. I performed in plays and musicals for a living. I wasn't famous or anything but I guess I had some talent.

I listened to my radio on the way to the cafe. The news was talking about a recent murder suicide. Two men were involved. One man had his arms cut off, and the other had a gunshot through his skull. There's only one person on my list who could do that. Killgrave. Killgrave doesn't scare me. He intrigues me. His mind control is outstanding. Yes he can make people kill with a few simple words, but I know that he can save people.

I shake these thoughts out of my head and continue to focus on my walking. I turn the corner and run head on with a person. I stumble back and yank out my headphones.

"Oops! I'm so sor-"

"Watch where you're bloody walking!"

My heart skips a beat...no...I look up and see a sharp lookimg man with stubble tickling his face. He notices my shock.

"Why hello. Tell me your name," his voice is calm and soothing. I feel the desire to tell him my name.

"I'm Amber."

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