Your First Kiss: Part 1

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A/n~I know I should have done this one a looonnggg time ago...but here you go!!  These will be posted into three different chapters. Arins, Danny's, then Barry's.


It was raining outside. Hard...Arin had texted you that his car broke down a few streets away, so you decided to go help him. You were stupid and forgot to grab an umbrella, so by the time you reached him, it looked like you just got out of the shower. When arin saw you, his face lit up but then fell. (He's siting in the car) You knock on his window and he gestures to the passenger. You walk around then get in the car.

"(Y/n), where's your umbrella?" He looks 'amused'. You sigh heavily and smile.

"I sort of kinda forgot it?" You raise an eyebrow. Arin chuckles and sighs.

"You're retarded... Ready to fix the car?"

You nod and get out of the car to the hood. You lift it and try to find the problem. While you're figuring it out, you can feel arins eyes dig in the back of your skull. You find the problem and return it to normal. You turn around and slap your hand together to rid the grease. You look at arin and his eyes are glued on yours. Without hesitation, he pulls you in by the shoulders and kisses you. Full of shock and love, you grab his face, not caring if your hands stain it. Your lips move gently with his before they pull away. You stand there in awe, hands still on his face. His hand goes over yours and he smiles sweetly. You remove the other hand and start laughing. The rain starts to slowly smear the hand mark.

"What?" Arin asks worrisome with a hint of amusement. He wipes his fingers over it and looks at his fingers. That smears it anymore. He scoffs playfully and wipes it on your nose. A small quick kiss happens again and the two of you drive home...

When o was writing this, I was thinking of a typical Hollywood kiss in the rainHope you like it

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