When you text the wrong grump

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You:I'm about to fuckinb kill Ross....gOD IM PISSED OFF

Holly: Please do it. I'm begging you 😦

YouWhere should I dump the body? 😂😉


You: Hey baby~ You should sex bang me~ 😉

Barry: I think that's a job for Danny (Y/N).

You: Shit Barry! Sorry!!!!

Barry: Its okay...I'll relay the message for you.

You: sorry Barry.....


You: Babe I accidentally broke Suzy's perfume.

Suzy: Its okay. I can buy a new one

You: Sorry Suzy. Let me buy it for you since its my fault.

Suzy: Thanks boo 😘😋

You: no problems Chica 😋😋

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