Annabeth POV

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A flicker of light seeped through the darkness, allowing me to witness what was going on. Ever since I arrived at this mysterious location, I was unable to recall my final moments . It appears that I had been chained to a pole , but I didn't remember any mysterious person coming towards me with the possibility of capturing me.

I surveyed my surroundings . I could hardly see anything but glimpses of light somehow manage to come in and gives me a better idea about my surroundings. Till now, I couldn't find any tools , which I could use to escape from these bonds . I tried using the pole to free myself , hoping the metal was much weaker compared to the pole ,but my plan was not there successful l. Therefore, my asumpution was false .

With the limited source of light, I tried reading the strange cryptic writings on them. Their pattern looked familiar but diffrently written at the same time.

The manuscript seemed like Greek. The formation of the sentences however were completely different as if it was from another language. At first glance, I thought it was Latin bit then I would have been able to recogonize it.

The floor opened. No, there isn't any error in my stayement. The floor did indeed open , much like a trap door. It was then that I realized that the light coming out was  from that location. 

Streams of basalt colored smoke came and appeared . And out came the most cruelest face I had ever seen. She had the coldest sneer and her eyes were bright yet lifeless.

" Are you enjoying your stay , daughter of Athena?"

I didn't reply . She growled in response. " Answer me ! You petty fool ".

I wasn't scared of her absurd antics .She was only making a fool of herself. I choose to remain quiet.

Her temper began to rise with every passing minute," You insolent idiot ! Hadn't your mother taught you to respond when you are being questioned or is your mother a big  buffoon ?

Why did she need to bring my mother to this absolutely pointless conversation. The usage of her words were incorrect.

" Are you some kind of rag doll? It's like you have no emotions!", She shouted with utmost rage. 

"E-motions? What are those?", I asked back. This word was rather strange . I haven't encountered this word in my life. 

She stopped and looked at me, surprised ," You don't know what emotions are?"

I shook my head in response . Her eyes glowed a ruby hue ," Well I will show them to you"


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