Percy POV

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The days passed by quicker and everyone was excited to miss school . Tomorrow , I was going to go to Greece , by air . I really don't want to enter my uncle's domain but I have no choice . Going by boat would take time , so we have to go by air . I needed to IM my father , maybe he can talk to my uncle .

When I was about to IM him , someone knocked on my bedroom door . Confused , I opened the door to reveal Lord Hermes . I wonder why he is here now ?

" Hello Percy , I have a letter for you . It's from your father . " , Lord Hermes said .

' This time it's not a warning letter , Perccyyyy' , Martha said .

' Do you have any rats ? ' , George asked .

" Sorry George , I have no rats with me today " , I said .

" Well , all I need you to do is to sign this and I will be going " , Lord Hermes said .

I signed and he left in a flash .

I opened the blue letter , it said 

Dear Percy ,

I heard that you were going on a trip to Greece . And I assure you , we Gods did nothing on sponsoring this trip . It was all mortals . Also , since you saved the world twice , Zeus allows you to venture through his domain . I hope you will enjoy your time there .

Your Father,


I was really glad that I didn't need to IM him , I was wondering how I would request him and I definitely didn't want the conversation to turn to a point where it gets really awkward . We demigods don't usually meet our parents really often and I really didn't want to ruin anything between us . Even if all the Gods are against me , I know he will support me . 

I had a drachma in my hand , maybe I could call someone . I think I know just the person to call .

I made a rainbow and tossed the drachma , "Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering."

" Annabeth Chase , Summer field school . "

Her back was turned to me , I could see she was concentrating deeply . " Wise Girl , " I whispered softly . 

She turned around to face me , her grey eyes sparkling with excitement . " Seaweed Brain ! "

" Hi Wise Girl , " I said .

" So, why did you call ? You won't usually call me at this hour , " She said .

" Why ? I can't call my girlfriend ? " , I questioned , letting a grin slide on my face .

" Percy , I know you . You won't call me at this time , what did you do ?" , She stared at me with her beautiful eyes . 

" I didn't do anything Annabeth .I am going on a field trip , " I said happily .

" Alright Seaweed Brain , Don't cause any trouble , OK? ", She said in a motherly tone .

" I will try my best . It's not my fault monsters chase me ," I admitted . I can't do anything if my demigod scent reminds monsters of seafood . 

" I know , Seaweed Brian . I was just saying  ." , She said laughing .

" Percy ! Dinner , " My mom said .

" Well , I have to go . Bye Wise Girl , " I said .

" Bye Seaweed Brain , I love you ," She said sincerely .

" I love you too , " I said and I cut the water supply .

Tomorrow I am going to Greece , I wonder how will I enjoy it .

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